Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What Part of "NO" Does Hillary Clinton Not Understand?

I saw the sound snippets from last night and they disgusted me. She's talking like she's won when last night was a definite repudiation of her and her family. The American people DO NOT WANT Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton, nor do the Democrats.

And I'm not being sexist or anything. The Clinton's naked ambition and lust for power -- when seen with the folksy veneer off -- is a most distasteful thing to observe.

"Clinton lends her struggling campaign $6.4 million"

WTF?! And they were calling Obama an out-of-touch elitist?

Can YOU loan YOURSELF $6 MILLION dollars, readers?

Oh!!!! I just choked on my own puke!!!

And don't you just love the MSM dividing us all on the alleged race/gender divides -- when they no longer exist?

I've seen too much over the years, and the pulse of this country is CHANGE -- no matter how superficial -- and it is NOT McCain or Clinton!!!

Haven't the RIGGED ELECTIONS taught you anything yet, America?!

We wanted Ron Paul, and you see what happened there. Now we switch to Obama and the MSM savages him while acting as a p.r. apologist for Clinton? She leads every CNN newscast!!!

It is ALL A SCRIPT, folks, sorry!

That's why there are not too many MSM posts now.

Yeah, I did look at the Globe and Times websites and I've posted the articles already.
