Wednesday, May 21, 2008

U.S. Prepares "Suicide" Bombers for Pakistan's New Government

I expect to see a rash of "suicide" bombs soon.

, readers?

That's why I never report on them anymore.

I simply NO LONGER BELIEVE the Zionist-controlled AmeriKan MSM and their anti-Muslim, AGENDA-PUSHING, WORLD VIEW!!!!

, readers?

"U.S. warns Pakistan against deal with militants"

"The United States on Tuesday warned Pakistan against negotiating an agreement with militants along its border with Afghanistan, saying a deal might allow them to plot attacks in Pakistan and abroad.

The Bush administration is worried such an agreement, if pursued by Pakistan's newly elected government, would give the militants a free hand in Pakistan's tribal areas....

Fiercely independent tribes have fought against outside interference for centuries. They were never fully under the control of British authorities during colonial rule or Pakistani authorities since independence in 1947...."

Yeah, but we are AmeriKa!!

Screw history, we''ll get control of this region -- or lose our country trying!!!!