Friday, May 2, 2008

Quick Comments on the Times

I'll be offering my short commentaries on these stories to illustrate the agenda-pushing characteristics of the NYT.

"Crowds Smaller in Marches for Immigrant Rights"

"In many cities, including New York, Chicago, Houston and Los Angeles, crowds were a small fraction of those in previous years, with few people outside protest areas even aware that marches were under way....

But they still cover them anyway!

Though meager, the crowds were often festive and melded a variety of causes. A rally in Union Square Park in Manhattan drew several hundred people invoking socialism, police violence and Sept. 11 conspiracy theories, in addition to immigrant rights...."

But the Times wouldn't deign to cover those OTHER issues!!!

You can read the rest of the article. I'm not wasting more time on their biased journalism, readers.

Oh, and the antiwar protests?

"Union’s War Protest Shuts West Coast Ports"

"West Coast ports were shut down on Thursday as thousands of longshoremen failed to report for work, part of what their union leaders said was a one-day, one-shift protest against the war in Iraq.

Cranes and forklifts stood still from Seattle to San Diego, and ships were stalled at sea as workers held rallies up and down the coast to blame the war for distracting public attention and money from domestic needs like health care and education....

In many cases, dock workers were joined at port entrances or at rallies by other groups protesting the war or frustrated by economic issues or immigration policies. Some rallies seemed as much like street fairs as angry acts of resistance...

Notice how the immigration protests were "often festive," while the antiwar protests are "angry acts of resistance," readers?

Nothing like the BIAS of the New York Times!!

You bet we are ANGRY AT YOU, TIMES!!!!! Case closed!

Several drivers said truckers were planning their own nationwide work stoppage in the next several days to protest record-high gas prices and surcharges...."

Oh my, I think I just crapped myself!!!

In fact, I think I've got the runs:

"Oakland Teach-In Looks at Budget Cuts and the War"

".... “We don’t have any money because it’s all going to the war,” said Ashley Lawless, a 18-year-old senior who moments before had been obsessively fixing her hair. “And now they’re shutting all this stuff down.”

Well, what do you know?

Looks like America's kids aren't as stoo-pid as the MSM told us, huh?

That kind of angry outburst may have been precisely the point of a daylong act of educational disobedience undertaken on Thursday by about two dozen teachers across Oakland, who set aside their normal lesson plans in favor of topics like the war in Iraq, racial inequality and a recent 10 percent cut in the state schools budget....

Uh-oh! TRAITOROUS TEACHERS, readers!!!

Teachers from elementary school to adult education classes allowed students to discuss everything from whether the United States was committing acts of violence against innocent people to whether American businesses were getting rich on the backs of the poor.

One worksheet handed out to students was blunt in its assessment of the current events: “About 1,000,000 Iraqis are dead and 4,000 American soldiers. The war will cost the U.S. about $2.8 trillion. Our schools don’t have money. Many people don’t have health care.”

.... The question of whether such nonviolent means really work also had students debating in a rickety modular classroom at Oakland High School during Thursday’s teaching of the alternate curriculum.

Taurus Hamilton, a junior, said he was not sure.

“Sometimes you need some violence to show people that you got something to say,” Mr. Hamilton said. “Sometimes you got to show people what you’re willing to do to get what you need.”

I'll bet that little "terrorist" wanna-be will be getting a visit from the feds, huh, readers?

Unless he joins the Army!!!

In that case, violence is O.K.!!!!

"Measles in U.S. at Highest Level Since 2001"

This is just a scare tactic to get the kids and parents to allow the government to poison them with some vaccine!

"Growing numbers of parents in the United States and other countries have begun refusing to vaccinate their children because of unproven fears that vaccines cause autism or other illnesses. Health officials blame the trend for the resurgence of measles in many regions. Israel, Switzerland, Austria, Ireland and Britain have had large outbreaks recently, linked to pockets of people who shun vaccination."

Keep pushing that agenda, Times!

"Editorial: Notes From the War on Terror"

"We know from experience that if Republicans don’t kill these measures, Mr. Bush will veto them. The next president and Congress will have to work very hard to uncover all the ways Mr. Bush has twisted or evaded the law, and then set things right."

I really get tired of the New York Times and their fooley editorials, readers!

Fuck you, Times!!!

You don't call for IMPEACHMENT or WAR CRIMES TRIALS, so

In fact, you ENABLE HIM and HIS LYING, SO sit and SPIN!!!!

Bush's Wiretapping Began BEFORE 9/11!! and the New York Times Admits Bush Administration Spying Began in December of 2000... BEFORE TAKING OFFICE!

Yeah, let Bush saunter off into the sunset, you piece of shit!!!

"In Tougher Times, Carlyle Looks Abroad"

".... “The Greek gods reminded us that golden ages end, and not always happily,” Mr. Rubenstein, a slender 58-year-old with silver hair and glasses, said in a talk at a private equity conference in December in Dubai, where Carlyle set up an office in 2007.

Carlyle is counting on its head start in international markets to help it weather the turbulence. Mr. Rubenstein predicts that within five years, about two-thirds of the firm’s investments will be in companies outside the United States. Currently, 64 percent is in North America....

To continue to attract investors, Carlyle needs new markets. Last year, Carlyle began raising a $750 million Middle East fund..."

Translation: See ya', 'murka!!!

Any surprise from the globalist cabal running things?

Gonna be left with NO JOBS and NO STORES, 'murka!!!

"Big Retailers Scaling Back Expansion Plans and Shutting Stores"

"Over the last six months, chains like Starbucks, Pacific Sunwear and Ann Taylor have vowed to close a combined 1,000 stores, which is expected to remake hundreds of shopping centers around the country.....

I thought the mall felt a little empty!!

The store closings and delayed openings are expected to ripple through the economy, depriving many communities of sales tax revenue and eliminating work for commercial construction companies....

The new strategies are an admission that some parts of the country are saturated with so-called big-box stores like Wal-Mart and Home Depot, the nation’s two biggest retailers.

“It’s no secret that America is over-stored,” said Mr. Dreher, the analyst."

Go read who and how many are getting shut down, readers!

I recognized a few names to go with the empty slots at the mall.

At least there will always be SHIT BOWLS to SELL the American people, right, Times?!

Heck, you're ONE of THEM!!!