Tuesday, May 13, 2008

ONE MORE REASON to NOT READ the New York Times

Fuck off, week-ender shit-shoveler (ever see the advertisement for the New York Times' week-ender, readers?)!!!!

"Obama Muslim Smear Resurfaces: NYT Op-Ed Tags Obama As Muslim 'Apostate'"

"Edward Luttwak, a military strategist who apparently feels like he's got the background to start expounding on religious doctrines he's not familiar with in the New York Times. According to Luttwak, Obama's a Muslim and there's nothing he or anyone can do about it..."

"The New York Times is getting scorched by its readers on the comments page. They are indignant, offended, shocked, angry, disgusted and giving the editorial editors an earful. Almost 400 postings question the New York Time's judgment for publishing this trash. Many are asking for an apology." -- Mike Rivero of whatreallyhappened.com

The "scorching" is LONG OVERDUE and MORE than WELCOME!!!!!

FUCK the Jew York fucking Times!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I was a DECADES-LONG PURCHASER; however, since January 1, 2008 I HAVE NOT BOUGHT EVEN ONE New York Times and I NEVER WILL AGAIN!


Even the thought and the sight of it makes me ill!!!!