I've added my comments to his post, readers.
"The Number of the Beast, the number Six Million and the Star of David"
"Six million here, six million there, six million everywhere. That number has been pounded into the psyche of people world-wide, but especially so here in America.
We've heard that number so many times, its almost like some mantra taught us by a Zionist guru, so that when we hear the words six million, we go into a trance and start chanting "Oooommm, six million. Oooommm, six million, BTW, take some more of our money. Oooommm, six million."
Three different times in the past hundred 90 years, that number has been pounded relentlessly into our brains. That number first started appearing for mass consumption towards the end of WW I and immediately after, as stories began to appear in the paper that has been a mouthpiece for Zionist ambitions for decades, the New York Times.
Yeah, I had heard about this false claim, and lie to me once...
Stories about Jews starving to death, with infant mortality rates close to 100% tugged at our heartstrings and Americans opened up their pocketbooks.
Regardless if the story was written in 1920 or 1926, the number of Jews needing American money never changed.
Never mind that the story wasn't true and that most of the money collected went to the Russian Bolsheviks, it made for good copy.
That's the Zionist-controlled NY Times for ya!!!
The next time Americans heard the six million chant was in October 1931, when Hollywood big shot David O. Selznick helped produce and finance a movie script written by Fannie Hurst.
Hurst was a popular writer back then, having several of her stories turned into screenplays by Hollywood. Those stories retained their original titles, but when Selznick produced her story Night Bell, he insisted that the title be changed to "Symphony of Six Million."
Night Bell is a drama about a New York Jewish doctor, so where did Selznick get the idea to call that type of story a Symphony of Six Million?
Did Davie boy know something that others didn't? Was that number being stealthily inserted into the American consciousness again and for what purpose?
The next time the number six million was broadcast to the world was in the Zionist fabrication of the Holocaust™. That number has remained constant, never mind that the number of dead at Auschwitz changed from 4 million to 1.5 million,( most of them dead from typhus) the number six million has remained a constant figure, one that damn near anyone in America can recite from memory, from a six yo child to a 96 yo grandmother.
The effect of the Zionist brainwashing and agenda-pushing!!!!
I used to be one of them; thank God for the Web!
A number that must be recited by Americans in an almost reverent manner, else you'll be accused of being "Anti-Semitic", or threatened with loss of income, loss of job, kicked off web sites and even have physical threats made to your well-being.
All to support the racist and apartheid state of Israel, so click your heels, whip off a smart salute and BTW, got any money for the cause?
Which brings us to the Star of David and the number it represents, six.

On the interior of the Star, there is the physical shape of a hexagram, which has SIX sides.
Immediately outside of the hexagram, there are SIX small triangles.
On the edges of the Star, there are SIX points.
Which adds up to the number 666, which is also the Number of the Beast in the bible's Book of Revelations.
The number of times the mystical number Six Million has been used for propaganda purposes in the last 90 years has been three, which again adds up to 666.
The Beast causes all earth dwellers to worship him/it and will and does kill anyone who doesn't worship it.
What happens to someone who doesn't show a reverential attitude towards Israel? Some are fired from their jobs, others, like the indigenous Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians and Iraqi's and soon Iranians, are brutally killed.
Others get tossed in prison for asking questions about Israel her reason for existence, the Holocaust™. Some get beat up or fired from their jobs.
Our Congress obediently gets down on its collective knees and worships any and all things Israeli, partially out of fear, partially out of stupidity.
This same pariah nation, Israel, has threatened the world with a nuclear Armageddon, with its "Sampson" option.
Is the beast described by the Book of Revelations actually Israel?"
Of course, Bush serves Israel, so if he starts WWIII with the bombing of Iran, same thing, isn't it?