Thursday, May 15, 2008

Nothing a Draft Won't Cure

Can you hear the sound of the bugle, kiddos?

"Mass. teens watch TV, but not what they eat"

"by Stephen Smith, Globe Staff | May 15, 2008

Despite widespread concern about the burgeoning waistline of America's teenagers, Massachusetts adolescents last year ate no better than they did six years earlier, while remaining glued to their televisions and computers.

Only 15 percent said they regularly consume the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables every day, according to a statewide survey of thousands of teenagers released yesterday.

And more than 1 out of 4 high schoolers surveyed said they plopped in front of the television for at least three hours daily. Similarly, 30 percent reported being riveted to their computers, surfing the Internet or playing games for three hours or more a day.

Playing games? You mean they aren't reading me?


Obesity specialists said the findings are a reflection of a society that eats too much, exercises too little, and increasingly lives in neighborhoods where outdoor exercise is perceived as dangerous or where sidewalks do not exist. Habits decades in the making, they said, will take many years to undo....

Yeah, that's what happens with the cultural myths of history, too!

It's what is popularly known as INDOCTRINATION or BRAINWASHING!

"I would wonder aloud why we would expect an improvement; the behaviors we're talking about are very difficult to change," said Aviva Must, an obesity researcher at the Tufts University School of Medicine. "The foods that we're expecting children to eat less of are tasty and cheap, and the environment in which children find themselves has really not changed very much."

Well, the MILITARY DRAFT should TAKE CARE of THAT!!!!

.... Massachusetts has devoted millions of state and federal dollars to the cause. Healthy eating, for instance, is a key focus of the Women, Infants, and Children subsidy program, with about $28.2 million spent providing food and counseling on nutrition and exercise to low-income families. And the state invests an additional $1.1 million on other initiatives to improve children's diets and encourage them to be active.

That sounds so much like what Ron Paul is talking about!

But nutrition specialists warned that temptation lurks everywhere in this super-sized, drive-through nation....

Yeah, I love them blaming the kids when it is the culture commissars and their profiteering that set the whole system up!!!

Ever see the advertisements on children's television?

The kids are only adapting to the prevailing environment -- which is pushed along by the MSM!!!