Monday, May 19, 2008

Lights Out!

First the ethanol, now this!!!

It would be nice once in a while if the global-warming cultists would think through some of their bone-headed decisions before making the rest live with their miscalculations!!!!

"Energy-saver bulbs carry disposal woe; Hard to recycle, bad for landfills"

"by Marc Levy, Associated Press | May 19, 2008

MECHANICSBURG, Pa. - It's a message being drummed into the heads of homeowners everywhere: Swap out those incandescent lights with longer-lasting compact fluorescent bulbs and cut your electric use.

Governments, utilities, environmentalists, and, of course, retailers everywhere are spreading the word.

Few, however, are volunteering to collect the mercury-laced bulbs for recycling - despite what public officials and others say is a potential health hazard if the hundreds of millions of them being sold are trashed and end up in landfills and incinerators.

For now, much of the nation has no real recycling network for compact fluorescent lights, or CFLs, despite the ubiquitous public relations campaigns, rebates, and giveaways encouraging people to adopt the swirly darlings of the energy-conscious movement....

"In most parts of the country, it requires getting in your car and burning up your gas and going out of your way, a long ways, and people are unlikely to do this," said Paul Abernathy, the executive director of the Association of Lighting and Mercury Recyclers in Calistoga, Calif...."

I'd like to know when Americans are going to wake up to the FRAUD of "environmentalism."

Just an EXCUSE to FLEECE YOU!!!!