Sunday, May 11, 2008

Israeli Army Evicts Orphans

What this photo journal and video describe is unconscionable to me.

"Video-Photos-Story: Israeli Army Loot Hebron Orphanage home to 110 girls"

"by Haitham on 11. May 2008

This is an update to Kawther Salam’s story about the Palestinian Orphanage in Hebron.
At 1.00 in the morning on the 30th of April, the Israeli Army raids orphanage in Hebron, home to 110 girls, seizing all equipment from community sewing workshop.

The Hebron Orphanage for girls is run by the Charitable Islamic Society,(I.C.S) and houses 110 children.
Witnesses said that approximately 40 Israeli soldiers raided the sewing workshop, which is located on the first floor of a girls’ orphanage operated by the Islamic Society, at 1am on Wednesday. In the course of a two hour raid, the Israeli troops ransacked the workshop after breaking down its main gates and doors.
Israeli soldiers confiscated all the sewing machines, furniture, and clothes which were to be given to orphans.
International human rights workers with the organization Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) said: “soldiers looted the workshop of all its sewing and processing machines, office equipment, rolls of cloth, finished clothing and supplies.” Members of CPT documented the raid, and the contents of the workshop being loaded into two forty foot tucks. (Source)
Thanks to Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), they created a blog ( where you can find updateds on the story.
Following are some pictures from different sources as well a video that document this terrorist crime by the Israeli Occupation Forces:
