"..when you get something from the Israelis. "Four out of five times it's complete and total bullshit.""
"Faulk says that in May 2004 he found an extremely large text file containing grid coordinates for alleged chemical weapons sites in Iraq. Faulk showed it to his supervisor, who was surprised. But he was not surprised that the file existed, only that it had not been deleted. The supervisor said he had believed all such files had been deleted, and that there had been a great many of them. In fact, according to this supervisor, U.S. Special Forces had gone to the locations and found nothing.
That's what usually happens, Faulk's supervisor told him, when you get something from the Israelis. "Four out of five times it's complete and total bullshit."

(Deleting files from Israel containing the lies, falsified leads and cleverly crafted PhotoShop pics Israel and her shills stovepiped into the White House and Pentagon to help jump start the War against Iraq?
Of course, as with any well organized gang, like the Zio Mob, care needs to be taken after the crime has been perpetuated to remove all traces and evidence of the crime's origin to prevent anyone connecting the dots and pointing a finger of blame at Israel.
This can be done by either deleting files or having a homing device planted in the Pentagon so that a 757 can go screaming into the Pentagon's office of auditors, killing them and removing any and all traces of who was behind the stolen Pentagon trillions.
If for some reason, those manipulations fail and someone starts asking questions about Israeli invovlement in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, there's always the time-tested and reliable slur of calling someone "Anti-Semitic.")
Here's confirmation:
New NSA Whistleblower Tells of Faulty WMD Evidence
By David Swanson 2008-05-20
David Murfee Faulk was a translator in the Navy, working in Arabic and Iraqi dialect. In April 2004 he began working for the National Security Agency (NSA) at Fort Gordon outside Augusta, Georgia. (He now writes, under the name Murfee Faulk, for the Metro Spirit newspaper in Augusta, but he has never written about what he did for the NSA.)
I asked veteran Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) analyst Ray McGovern what he made of this, and he said that there is "no such thing as a 'friendly' intelligence service. Reporting from liaison services always needs to be taken with utmost reserve. That goes in spades for what comes from the Israelis, the more so since they have unique, yes unique, access to the White House and Pentagon, and are thus able to circumvent the intelligence bureaucracy set up to vet and evaluate raw intelligence and prevent unverified and/or tendentious 'intelligence' from reaching senior officials, lest they be misled."
With regard to other pieces of Israeli "intelligence" on Iraq's mythical weapons of "mass destruction," McGovern said: "Yes, most of the Israeli 'intelligence' on things like chemical weapons in Iraq was of little or no value. Worse still, data like coordinates for suspected chemical weapons-related sites could not be dispassionately evaluated by objective intelligence analysts because the key function of imagery analysis was ceded by the CIA to the Pentagon in 1996. What sergeant was going to tell Rumsfeld that Israeli sources and the 'intelligence' from the Israelis or the likes of [Ahmed] Chalabi were certainly not worth what Rumsfeld was paying for. At the same time, if truth was not the objective, but rather reports alleging this or that WMD-related sites, well, the Israelis were performing a useful service for the likes of Doug Feith, who would bundle them up and give them to the 'Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal' for passing to the president...."And now it is off to Iran, 'eh?