And the world stays silent!
Not me: OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!
"The Israeli military on Friday presented the findings of its inquiry in the deaths of a Palestinian mother and her four children during an army operation in northern Gaza on Monday, suggesting they were killed by explosions caused by Palestinian ammunition.
Incredible! What GD LIARS!!!!

Palestinian witnesses had said they believed that an Israeli tank shell or a missile from a drone had struck the family’s house in Beit Hanoun, killing the five.
The military said it had fired two missiles from the air that hit their target — two Palestinian gunmen operating near the house. The gunmen were carrying backpacks loaded with ammunition, the army said, leading to secondary, bigger explosions.
The military concluded the family was hit “during the explosion of the second missile that ignited the secondary explosions” or by “objects that had flown towards them from the strength of the explosion.” It ruled out a direct Israeli hit on the house.
Please see: The New York Times: Israel's Mouthpiece
The findings, released with what the army said were aerial scenes of the attacks and subsequent blasts, largely reflected the army’s initial version of events.
Ibrahim Abu Maatak, a half brother of the dead children, dismissed the army’s findings. “Other families have been eliminated before and they didn’t take responsibility,” he told Reuters."
And the Times never reported this, either, readers.
Also see: Photos and Video From Palestine
Occupation 101: Voices of the Silenced Majority