You see, that's what happens when you have been LIED TO and MANIPULATED like I HAVE BEEN from the MOMENT of BIRTH -- 24/7!!!
Tell me, does anyone like that kind of treatment?
Yeah, YOU BET I'M ANGRY and OUTRAGED!! I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The OUTRAGES, MASS-MURDER and WAR CRIMES of the ELITE CONTROLLERS (of which, I'm sorry to say, Zionist have undue influence) are WORTHY of the profane diatribes!!!!!
The truth is, I was a different person 18 months ago when I began blogging. The original purpose of the blog was to speak out and help end the Iraq war, get the truth out about 9/11 (after five years, only one of which I accepted 9/11 truth), and keep the Republicans from stealing the 2006 election.
I was SUCH a DIFFERENT PERSON then, and SO NAIVE!!! I thought electing Democrats would change things, and had no inkling of the Zionist control over America's government and media. And I had the New York Times and Boston Globe at the top of my must view links! Ugh!
Hey, it was before I discovered the all the wonderful blogs. So if they lock me out or kill the blog again, I'll just do what everyone else has done -- find another server and host.
The CENSORSHIP and ATTACKS on the TRUTH PROVE that the BLOGS have WON!!!
"Google is not satisfied with just shutting down anti zionist blogs.... their virus has spread. New targets are now sites that speak of US and UK war crimes in Iraq....
It seems that somebody might be admitting zionist involvement in the Iraq war....
See below to read the message from Google's latest victim....--LINK--"