Monday, May 5, 2008

The Democratic Horse Race

Who is REALLY AHEAD, readers? Here's the call...

"Meet the Press (Obama) blows out ABC This Week (Clinton) in Ratings: 8.5 rating to 1.3 rating"

ABC THIS WEEK 1.3 rating/4 share
NBC MEET THE PRESS 8.5 rating/21 share

"In other words, 6 times as many people wanted to watch Obama as wanted to watch Hillary.

This makes the "neck and neck" race even that much more suspicious." -- Mike Rivero of

The sad thing is I didn't watch either one. I'm rarely watching cable or network news these days because it is so bad. I really don't care about bullshit fooleys like I once did.

By the way, Hitlery has already predicted how she will finish:


"Hillary Clinton enthusiastically picked a filly named Eight Belles to win the Kentucky Derby and compared herself to the horse. Eight Belles finished second. The winner was the favorite, Big Brown.

Eight Belles collapsed immediately after crossing the finish line, and was euthanized shortly thereafter."

Which is hopefully what her campaign will do.