Friday, May 2, 2008

DC Madam Predicted Her Own Murder

Watch the video: "DC Madam: "They will make it look like suicide""

Also see: "Why I don't believe the DC Madam committed suicide"

: "Contrived Media Ploy As DC Madam Tape Ignored"

by Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, May 2, 2008

"Within hours of the announcement that DC Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey had allegedly hanged herself at her mother's home in Florida, Time Magazine released an interview with her "friend," a professional conspiracy debunker and an individual who has fabricated quotes in the past, who claimed Palfrey had told him of her wish to end her life.

Only the dangerously naive could take this report at face value without being massively suspicious.

"She wasn't going to jail, she told me that very clearly. She told me she would commit suicide," Dan Moldea told Time Magazine. "She had done time once before [for prostitution]," Moldea recalls. "And it damn near killed her. She said there was enormous stress -- it made her sick, she couldn't take it, and she wasn't going to let that happen to her again."

"Of course, Moldea never got this alleged "quote" on tape, as a truly responsible journalist would have done.

And we are to believe him just because he is making this claim?

Rational people wouldn't, because they understand that he has utterly no basis in fact for these statements.

What we do have on tape is the absolute opposite of what he has claimed, period, end of discussion.

And unfortunately, this is what passes for "responsible journalism" in the so-called main stream media these days.

Media outlets simply hire people to bend, or distort the truth, (or outright lie) to place their favored "spin" on any topic or event, then feed that as the truth to their audience." -- Mike Rivero of

The fact that the corporate media has given Moldea's claim a thousand times more attention than our recorded interview with Palfrey - in which she unequivocally states that she would never commit suicide on multiple occasions - and treated his words as gospel, tells its own story.

We have the audio tape in which Palfrey states, "No I'm not planning to commit suicide, I'm planning on going into court and defending myself vigorously and exposing the government."

What does Moldea have apart from a history of fabricating quotes and his own agenda?
