Friday, May 9, 2008

Burma, Beirut and Barack

If you just tuned in to the MSM at the top of the hour, that would be all you think is going on in the world. I'm so tired of the agenda pushing, readers.

You may have noticed that there are hardly any MSM posts these days from my favorite "newspapers." It's not because I no longer check their websites (I never purchase anymore except for Sunday Globe -- as hospitality for friend) because I do, it is because I no longer like them. I'm tired of being lied to, and I don't want to take the time to refute them on a daily basis.

I see what agenda AmeriKa's MSM pushes now, I understand who the forces are behind that agenda, and I know where that agenda intends to go.

When the Burma coverage comes on and CNN is making this the worst crisis ever now. Don Lemon is on talking about the suffering and how the Burmese government won't let America help (would you let CIA spies into your country, readers?). Talking about how corrupt Burma's government is, and I wondered how it is that the looters of Katrina would be able to help.

Of course, the U.S. government is willing to help people abroad while
giving you the shaft, but you are conditioned to that, aren't you 'murkn shit-eaters?

(You know, it is strange how you see a story on the Globe's paper site last night, but then awake to see it removed this morning. Case fucking closed on these shitbags!)

"Opponents of the plan say more prudent homebuyers and renters shouldn't be called upon to bail out borrowers who gambled on ever-rising housing prices and lost."


These are the same guys who are willing to fund UNENDING OCCUPATIONS, too, readers!!!!

So, FUCK YOU, 'murkn homeowner!

This is why I'm poor -- because I NEVER BOUGHT INTO the "DREAM!"

Update: oil just went to
$126 per barrel -- on it's way to $200.

"Gas prices, meanwhile, rose above an average $3.67 a gallon at the pump.... analysts believe the dollar's protracted decline has much to do with the doubling in oil prices...."

Bend over and spread 'em, America!!!

Economy ain't "Issue #1" no more!!!

Of course, it never was -- everything FLOWS from the WAR-PROFITEERING OCCUPATIONS!!!!

Now the CNN reporter on scene calls in and talks about how Burma is repressive, they don't want the world to see what's going on here, the conditions of the hospital appalling, blaming the close ally China, etc, etc, and I found myself wondering:





The conditions in those places are awful, too, so WTF?!?

Oh, I SEE, this is a NATURAL DISASTER so there is NO ONE TO BLAME -- except, of course, for the Burmese government that the Zionist-controlled AmeriKan MSM is taking it to!!!

Yeah, Somalia only merits a mention in the shit media when the
U.S.-backed occupiers are threatened or an Al-CIA-Duh strike is needed to divert attention and sell the shit "war on terror."

Yeah, never mind the famine that is
WORSE than DARFUR, (and where has THAT been lately, readers? Gave way to 'elections" in Zimbabwe, huh?), or the ETHIOPIAN WAR CRIMES!!!!

Yeah, SELECTIVE PRESENTATION of the "news!" Case FUCKING CLOSED on AmeriKa's SHIT MEDIA!! Can you FEEL MY RAGE, readers?

On to the next "top story." Hezbollah has taken over Beirut!!!!! And there is not a damn thing the Lebanese Army is doing about it!!! That must mean the U.S. bloc of Saudi and Israeli agitators must be ALL ALONE, huh?

Time for some false-flag, Mossad terrorism, huh, Israel?

Yeah, the Zionist-controlled AmeriKan MSM suddenly rediscovering Lebanon lets you know the TABLE is BEING SET for ISRAELI ACTION in Lebanon -- and a WIDER WAR, too!!

It is

Oh, yeah, the reporting is it's usual
pro-Zionist shitola!!!!

Yup, Hezbollah is "STRENGTHENED" and the USraelis can't have that!!!!

The final straw was watching the Zionist MSM (aka
Wolf Blitzer) interrogate Barack Obama yesterday. What was even more disheartening was Obama's unswerving and swearing fealty to the state of Iz-ray-HELL! Yup, where the U.S. candidates for president stand on ISRAEL is OH SO IMPORTANT!

When he had to grovel and say Israel was one of our strongest allies (then why they spying on us?), and that what he "loves" about Israel is it is the only country in the region committed to democracy and "our values" I just about had it!

How many SLAPS in the FACE do you need, America?


So if you didn't get it before, shit-chewing 'murkns, it is the ZIONIST GOVERNMENT of ISRAEL that is in CONTROL of YOUR NATION!!! It's government, its media, its schools, its culture. I call it Zionist brainwashing, and I've received it my entire life.

Yes, so it will be the American president's STAND on ISRAEL that is THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE

And if he has to say it to win, then AmeriKan politics are bullshit fooleys. Which is why you rarely see me publish political articles anymore. I don't even click most of the MSM papers articles about politics anymore because I've had it with the bullshit MSM fooleys!

I've seen how they SELL an AGENDA and SELL us the PEOPLE to carry it out!

Think I believe in the MSM and their "elections" anymore?

The way they have been promoting Hitlery Clinton every hour on the hour?

All I need do is think back to how they treated RON PAUL and it is CASE CLOSED on AmeriKa's MSM ONCE AGAIN!!!!

But to prove to you I still read them, I found this nugget in the
most important story of the century:

"Marvin Bush, one of the president's brothers, and his family flew to Texas with Bush on Air Force One. The group, along with White House advisers, hopped on the Marine One presidential helicopter with the president, who hurried them up with a wave and a smile."

Marvin Bush, of course, was also in charge of WTC security on September 11, 2001, readers.

Think on that as you digest the Bush nuptials!!!

Update: Once again, the blogger or server tech is shit. I have spent the last three hours struggling to reach sites and struggling to edit or post. I'm not buying the "coincidence" excuse anymore, since this shit is happening with increasing regularity. Anywho, I'm logging out now because I am fucking furious at this shit. Blogger sucks!!!!