Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Boston Globe's Memorial Day

With a local twist...

After today's Sunday Globe purchase I don't like AmeriKa's MSM newspapers anymore.

I will never purchase a New York Times again, ever, and the Globe is rapidly losing my patience.

Maybe no more sports section, friend.

Yup, with two active occupations going on -- hidden by same media --- and all the problems vets have these days, the Boston Globe is going to front page this?

"Six decades and half a world away"

Hey, it's not like I don't think vets should be memorilaized or taken care of; I just wish the United States government gave a damn about them.

But it gets worse. What angers me is this spread is on page B6 of the City/Region section; however, no where will you find it on the website. It is a collection of three photographs.


: "Across the region, residents are observing Memorial Day. In Holden (top photo), Matthew Riley and his children, Aidan and Lila, paused while overlooking a field of flags -- each representing a soldier killed in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq -- in front of First Baptist Church...."

Readers, the photo of the man with his two children, the caption doesn't tell you they are BURIED in a SEA OF FLAGS!!!!! You can hardly see the little girl (she must be 2 or 3) in them, and the little boy looks dazed. I'm not sure what the father is thinking -- probably that his boy (looks about 5) won't be one of those flags in fifteen years.

Look, I know you MSM types like hiding the returning coffins for Bush, but this is OUTRAGEOUS!!!

The second thing I object to is WHAT ABOUT ALL the INNOCENTS WE ARE BUTCHERING?!


Afghani and Iraqi MEN WOMEN and CHILDREN, as well as Pakistani and Somali when the mood strikes us.


But no, the MSM is going to call that "GLORY."

Readers, there is NOTHING GLORIOUS ABOUT WAR -- except for WAR PROFITS for WAR PROMOTERS!!!!!!!!

Oh, and the third thing, almost forgot (why wouldn't I), just where are the ANTIWAR PROTESTER PICTURES?


Their presence every week on the town common is an INDICTMENT of AmeriKa!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, my local at least front-pages the tragic story of the suicidal soldier.

They live just down the road, readers (sob)

"Warriors' woes lead to suicide"

"Sunday, May 25, 2008

Belchertown -- Marine Lance Cpl. Jeffrey M. Lucey, who had his 22nd birthday two days before the U.S. invasion into Iraq on March 20, 2003, was on the front lines of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Now, nearly four years after his untimely death by his own hands, Lucey's words resonate to the front lines of the war in Iraq, championing the needs of 300,000 returning veterans who have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. These men and women are coming home to a country largely ignorant of what is really happening in the Middle East and to a federal Veterans Administration health-care system that, while well-intended, is still ill-suited to understand the needs of the nation's latest warriors.

And why would that be, readers?


Lucey understood.

From his grave - through the journals he wrote, the notes he left, the haunting horrors he described and the symptoms that ravaged him - the son of Kevin P. and Joyce T. Lucey and middle brother to Kelly A. and Debra A., is giving voice to the hundreds of thousands of veterans who come home with what are being called the invisible wounds of war.

Five years into Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom - the war in Afghanistan - the death toll stands at more than 4,000 American men and women, 30,000 wounded and an unknown number of war-related suicides.

Let alone Iraqi and Afghani deaths.

Members of Congress are questioning if there is a suicide epidemic among veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

U.S. Rep. Robert Filner, D-Calif., the chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, recently held a hearing entitled, "The Truth about Veteran Suicides," in which he chastised the Veterans Administration for withholding from lawmakers federal data showing that 12,000 veterans a year attempted suicide while under Veterans Administration treatment and that the suicide rate for veterans ages 20 through 24 who served in the war on terror was three to four times higher than their civilian counterparts.

Please see: 18 Vets Commit Suicide Every Day

There is a sense of urgency on Capitol Hill - and in states across the country - given the heavy reliance on members of the Reserve and National Guard to fight the wars and the extended deployments and multiple tours of all branches of the armed services - to set up mechanisms for the early detection and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder because statistics show that early diagnosis and treatment produce better outcomes.

"I never knew it could be lethal," said Kevin Lucey of the disorder.

Retired Col. Pete Duffy, the deputy director of the National Guard Association of the United States, said government estimates only count the numbers for veterans who are properly screened by the military before returning to civilian life.

But given the nature of the health screenings for the returning members of Guard and Reserve at demobilization stations far flung from their home states, Duffy said there is a concern that homeward-bound veterans are "keeping quiet at the demob station."

"The problem this creates with PTSD," said Duffy, is that "the sooner the diagnosis and treatment, the more effective the treatment."

Yeah, and the VA telling the staff not to diagnose for PTSD because of $$$$ doesn't factor in, right?

See: V.A. To Combat Combat Stress

He said that active-duty members of the military go from training, to war and back to military installations, often intact as units. He noted that the Journal of American Medical Association recently found that 42.4 percent of Reserve and National Guard from Operation Iraqi Freedom who were tested six months after their deployments were found to be in need of mental health care compared to 20.3 percent of the active forces.

Ralph Ibson, vice president for government affairs at the nonprofit Mental Health America, supports the increased funding for Department of Defense and VA mental-health services Congress has provided, along with a directive to the VA to improve access to services through peer-outreach.

Unfortunately, the VA "has limited its access-improvement efforts to increasing 'in-house' mental health staffing," which Ibson said by itself "does little to reach those for whom VA and military treatment facilities are too distant, or who, for several factors, are reluctant to seek needed treatment."

Mental Health America is lobbying the VA to conduct a vigorous national outreach to identify Iraq and Afghanistan veterans at risk for mental-health problems, treat them and, because of geographic distances, to develop partnerships with community mental-health centers to treat veterans.



WAKE UP, America, will you?!

When Jeffrey Lucey came home from the front line of the war in Iraq in July 2003, his family kept vigil while he sweated through nightmares, vomited during the day when a memory caught him off guard and became dependent on alcohol to help fight his demons.

Once he was referred to a trauma center, his father recalled, but there wasn't a veteran on staff, so the Marine veteran left unseen and untreated. He couldn't be comforted from the visions of what he saw in Iraq - the killing of unarmed Iraqis including children, and he couldn't forgive himself, his father said.

But, but, but... Bush, liberation, freedom?

During the 11 months he was home before his death on June 22, 2004, there were times it seemed that their son could see a way out of the darkness. There were also episodic incidents of complete trauma and remorse, according to his parents.

Lucey told his family he was ordered by commanding officers to shoot point-blank two Iraqi soldiers who appeared to be his age. He said he wondered if they were someone's sons, brothers or fathers. (The military disputes these claims.)

He wore their dog tags, like a scapula, at all times, taking them off once when he first confessed what in his mind was his mortal sin to his family, and the second time when he laid them out on his bed before he descended into the basement to hang himself.

Four years ago on the Friday afternoon of Memorial Day weekend, Kevin Lucey drove his son to the Veterans Administration Medical Center at Leeds where he was admitted and put on a suicide watch. According to Kevin Lucey, his son was released on Tuesday morning and hospital officials said they would treat his post-traumatic stress disorder after he was sober. The Luceys have filed suit against the Veterans Administration in a case that is expected to be tried in November.

Within three weeks of being released from the VA medical center, Jeffrey Lucey, then 23, left three notes for his parents and killed himself. One note told his parents that he had a happy childhood. Another told his father, " Dad, please don't look. Just call the police. Love, Jeff." His parents couldn't read the third note because of the blood stains.

Before his son's funeral, Kevin Lucey stood in the driveway with his wife and two daughters as they asked each other how they were going to handle his death.

"And we all said we were going to be forthright," Kevin Lucey said.

They contacted the Veteran Education Project in Amherst, which eventually began a family support network that meets every first and third Tuesday of the month.

U.S. Sen. John F. Kerry, D-Mass., a combat veteran of Vietnam, said the Lucey case jumpstarted the state Department of Veterans Services to put into place a system to help with employment issues and to screen all returning veterans.

Two weeks before Memorial Day, the House Congressional Progressive Caucus held the Winter Soldier Forum, in which combat veterans who are members of the national anti-war organization called Iraq Veterans Against the War, testified about the killings of the innocent, orders to disregard the rules of engagement, abuse of prisoners and the mishandling of the dead.

Which the AmeriKan MSM TOTALLY IGNORED!!!!

I suggest you read this: Occupation Iraq: Winter Soldiers Speak

We can now permanently seal the underground tomb that ensconces the LYING, AGENDA-PUSHING, WAR-PROMOTING, WAR-CRIMINAL AmeriKan MSM, readers!

Remember, this is MY LOCAL!!!!

Nowadays, Staff Sgt. Andrew J. Simkewicz, a combat veteran from Afghanistan and Iraq, is a post-traumatic stress disorder counselor at the Springfield Vets Center at 1985 Main St. He has a caseload of 70 veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"There have been a lot of suicides," Simkewicz noted. "That is why we try to get veterans early and talk to them as early as we can from their return from deployment and try to prevent it from happening."

The center, under the direction of team leader David F. Bressem, has six post-traumatic stress counselors - two of them combat veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, two from Vietnam, and two of them women who are married to veterans. The center encourages family members, wives and veterans to visit for all types of assistance at no charge.

At 32, Simkewicz, who was a social worker, enlisted in the Army after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on America and served with the 10th Mountain Division.

Now in the Army Reserve, Simkewicz is scheduled to leave for his third deployment in December. "It's tough on my family. I am married and have three kids," Simkewicz said. "It is tough on my job. I see a lot of veterans who are used to talking to me, and I have been able to help over the last three years. It is going to be tough to leave them."

I scold the American people often, and I will always refer to these occupations and any further aggressions by what they are -- MASS-MURDERING WAR CRIMES based on UNHOLY LIES!!

However, I feel pity for the American people right now.

They were SOLD a SHITLOAD of LIES and the AmeriKan MSM is FAILING THEM by CONTINUING the LIES!!!!!

AmeriKa's MSM has abdicated its role as the Fourth Estate check-and-balance, and it has been left to the BLOGS to DO THEIR WORK.

Which is why you and I are here, readers.