Saturday, May 24, 2008

Alex Jones and Desert Peace

I wanted to take a few minutes to air my views on these blog posts and criticisms.

It will also give you a greater feeling for who I am, readers.

I also read the comments for each post, and will address that issue later in this post.

"The Best Alex Jones Expose Video Ever"

I actually agree with the blogger's point on Alex's aversion to examining the Zionist influence in depth; however, his sites do cover the false-flag operations of Israel, etc. He also provides accurate information on the NAU, police state, immunization and U.N. scams and the like, so it is hard to write him off completely.

Someone once said everyone has a piece of the truth -- even liars like Bush and Cheney, who let it slip because of the webs of deceit.

I will not be drawn into the false Globalists vs. Zionists controversy. That controversy is designed to destroy the 9/11 truth movement.
The fact is, there are some Globalists who are not Zionists, there are some Zionists who are not Globalists, and there are Globalists who are Zionists. Whatever the configuration, that does not absolve the rulers of the United States government for their involvement in the criminal events of 9/11.

As for throwing around the terms "Zionist-controlled" and all that, I didn't come here thinking that's the way things were. I've grown into the position because of the truths on the web.

"Desert Peace blog, allegedly for Palestinian Free Speech, has been practicing censorship"

On this one, I can't be to hard on Steve. I think he did yank them for vulgarity, which is why I'm surprised he's linked me. I do leave comments for him once in a while -- but never with profanities or vulgarities -- and I like the message of non-violence.

I also like the fact that he is there on the ground, living it and seeing it. I don't post as many of his blogs as I should, but there is only so many I can do. I very much respect his restraint via the language; the combination of factors here in the U.S. makes it nearly impossible to halt the rage. In fact, this blog is an outlet for that stuff.

As for comments, I occasionally leave comments on other blogs; however, they are always anonymous for several reasons.
I remain anonymous because I have a very, very unique first and last name and it would not take much to find me.

Anonymity is my protection from the public and if the gov't wants the stuff, they already have it but I'd rather they work for it.

As to why I don't allow comments,
the blog was originally established without comments because I am tired of arguing with people, tired of having my views called into question, tired of being attacked.

This is MY FORUM to GET INFORMATION OUT and REGISTER MY COMPLAINTS and let the WHOLE WORLD KNOW that NOT ALL Americans are for this shit!!!!

Also see: Why I Don't Allow Comments or Chats

With These Kind of Friends, Who Needs Chat Rooms?

So if you think I'm some sort of agent or something: WRONG!

I'm just ONE PISSED-OFF, PODUNK-TOWN American who did all the things you are supposed to -- protest, calls, letters -- and still found nothing but frustration.

Then to come on the web and find out how much I've been LIED TO!!!!

Here's how TRUTH was introduced to me, readers (intro only):
Scott Ritter Warns of Attack on Iran

I think you are up to date now on who I am.

Oh, one final thought:

Don't believe me, DO YOUR OWN THINKING!!!!

P.S. One more issue, regarding my profanity and Ron Paul's politeness.

Maybe you think I am discrediting the man by raging, swearing and not being nice. I tried the polite bit, etc, for years (I was also a dopey leftist at the time), and it HASN'T WORKED! That's why the raging frustration here.

Anyway, my position via Ron Paul on this is simple. I speak for Ron Paul as much as he speaks for me.


Dr. Ron is better than me, because he wouldn't get angry and swear like me!

But I'm not him, I'm me!!!!

Just wanted to clear that up, readers.