Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Afghanistan: 10 Air Strikes a Day Keeps the AmeriKan MSM Away

As if I needed any more proof about the vacuous AmeriKan MSM...

"Fighting intensifies across Afghanistan"

"Fighting is escalating in Afghanistan as weather conditions improve for combat operations by both the US-NATO occupation force and the Afghan guerillas fighting to drive them from the country....

In virtually every engagement with Afghan guerillas, the US and ISAF forces rely on air support from helicopter gunships or fighter-bombers to avoid casualties. Attacks on alleged Taliban targets are also overwhelmingly carried out by aircraft. As many as 10 air attacks are carried out every day in Afghanistan.

Oh, and the New York Times and Boston Globe are silent about them!!!


In many cases, civilians are killed or maimed by these indiscriminate bombings, fueling hatred for the occupation and creating fresh recruits for the insurgency....

The US attempt to subjugate the Afghan people and turn the country into a pliable client state in Central Asia has dragged on now for over six-and-a-half years. So far, it has cost the lives of more than 800 American and NATO troops and tens of thousands of Afghans. The estimated financial cost of the occupation was over $120 billion at the end of 2007. However, very little aid has been provided to end the appalling social conditions facing the majority of the population.

The war has no end in sight. The unstated position in Washington—one shared by both Republicans and Democrats—is that tens of thousands of American troops will be killing and dying in Afghanistan for the next decade or more....."

That last thought makes me ill.