Thursday, September 6, 2007

War Paper Crimes: Iran

Not on the website, but in a World Brief.

"Iran: More Mass Executions... Twenty-one men convicted of drug trafficking were hanged in the latest round of group executions, state-run television reported, 17 in Khorasan Razavi Province and 4 in public in the city of Shiraz (New York Times September 6)."

Yuh mean the Iranians don't DO IT IN SECRET GULAGS with TORTURE?

Why you HIDING THAT, crap Times!

No Palestinian children wasted by Israel today, Times?

Slow day at the ME news desk, war-fomenting shitters!!!!!???

Oh, that's right, they denied you entry to some conference last week, so the Zionist-controlled organ has the knife out for Iran!

Just stoking the fires for REGIME CHANGE and "liberation!"