Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Impudent Israel

The absolutely ARROGANT GALL of the NaZionist shitters!!!!

"Documents: Israel seeks nuclear-limits exemption" by George Jahn/Associated Press September 26, 2007

VIENNA - Israel is looking to a US-India nuclear deal to expand its own ties to suppliers, quietly lobbying for an exemption to non-proliferation rules so it can legally import atomic material, according to documents made available yesterday to the Associated Press.

[So they have a program then if they want legality, right??

It's an UNSUPERVISED program, right, UNLIKE Iran's?!!!!


The move is sure to raise concern among Arab nations that already consider their neighbor the region's only atomic arms threat. Israel has never acknowledged having nuclear weapons but is generally thought to possess them.

[Olmert admitted it!]

The new push is reflected in papers Israel presented earlier this year to the Nuclear Suppliers' Group - 45 nations that export nuclear fuel and technology under strict rules meant to lessen the danger of proliferation and trafficking in materials that could be used for a weapons program.

The initiative appeared to be linked to a US-India agreement that would effectively waive the group's rules by allowing the United States to supply India with nuclear fuel despite its refusal to sign the nonproliferation treaty or allow the International Atomic Energy Agency to inspect all of its nuclear facilities.

[Oh, NOW the meaning of that deal becomes CLEAR!!!

Good Christ, is there not one thing that isn't done that benefits Israel in the end?

Good Lord!!!]

Israeli officials began examining how their country could profit from that deal as early as last year, at one point proposing that the United States ask for an exemption from restrictions stipulating safeguards by the UN nuclear agency on all nuclear facilities, said a diplomat familiar with the issue. The United States rejected that request, he said, demanding anonymity for discussing restricted information. The diplomat said the Israeli papers were "acknowledged but definitely not embraced" by the Nuclear Suppliers' Group member nations.

[But it no doubt has gone ahead anyway. Think they told Israel no?

Who does in this world? Iran?

Is that why they are in such deep Zionist shit?]

Still, the documents show that Israel has not given up its quest.

Besides India, only Pakistan and North Korea are known to have nuclear weapons and be outside the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Israel is considered an undeclared weapons state, with a doctrine of "nuclear ambiguity."


Yup, HARANGUING the Iran's about their LEGAL RIGHTS, but IGNORING our "friends" transgressions!!!!

And Israel?
