Thursday, September 27, 2007

MSNBC Democrat Debate Decides Dem Ticket

I watched about fifteen, twenty minutes, then turned it off after the party's standard-bearers:

a) all said we'd be in Iraq until at least 2013;

b) climbed all over themselves to threaten Iran; and,

c) then proceeded to DROP to their KNEES, unzip Israel's fly, and SUCK, SUCK, SUCK!

I turned it off, and didn't watch anymore, so I can no longer comment.

What I do know is nothing will change in the polls.

If anything, Hillary will go even further ahead.

You must, read the polls through what NOT Americans want, but which candidates swore the most fealty to Israel and AIPAC.

That "DemocraP" will be the SELECTEE!!

If a TRUE VOTE of the PEOPLE were held, the Democratic Ticket would be KUCINICH/GRAVEL!!!!!