Wednesday, September 5, 2007

U.N. Chemical Weapons Hoax

Announced with NO FANFARE!

TV news hardly covered (unlike when it happened), and Times buried in the back of the business section!

Hey, Amurka already made the connection: Iraq = WMD = NYC = terror attack.

And COINCIDENTALLY, Osama bin Laden pops up out of his
mountainside grave, and will make an appearance on the "Al-CIA-Duh" television network!

Oh, yeah, those "chemical weapons" Al-Cia-D, er, I mean Iraq, yeah, Iraq, left in New York City.

By Al-CIA-Duh in Iraq, right?

Al-CIA-Duh in Iraq left chemical weapons in NYC??


"Substance Found at U.N. Office Was Not So Dangerous, After All" by CARA BUCKLEY

"When officials said that a potentially deadly chemical from Iraq had been found last month in a Midtown United Nations office, many questions followed. How did the sample get here? How did it get misplaced? And how could it sit in a box, unnoticed, for more than a decade at a world agency in the middle of New York?

But now, heaping embarrassment upon embarrassment, it appears that the chemical was merely a commercial solvent, a law enforcement official said.

Initially, officials said the substance was phosgene, an old-generation nerve-gas component used extensively at the end of World War I, and in Iraqi attacks against Kurds in the 1980s.

The official, who was not authorized to speak publicly about the case:

We learned later that initial tests indicated it might be some kind of over-the-counter solvent, though we don’t know what kind.”

[What do you mean you DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS?

This "news event" was SCRIPTED, folks, like ALL "NEWS" events that are

The sample, when crosschecked with old records, indicated that it was phosgene collected from a chemical weapons facility in 1996 near Samarra, Iraq. Phosgene is made of carbon monoxide and chlorine. Even in small doses, it can sear mucous membranes, severely damaging the eyes, skin, throat and lungs. In large doses, it can kill.

After the discovery, the State Department, the F.B.I. and the New York Police Department were alerted and members of a joint hazardous material team descended on the office; workers were evacuated.

The sample was sent to a military laboratory in Edgewood, Md., where, according to the law enforcement official, early tests conducted on Friday indicated that it was not phosgene after all. The finding was reported yesterday in The Daily News.

United Nations inspectors left Iraq in 2003 shortly before the United States invaded. In the run-up to the war, President Bush insisted that Saddam Hussein had continued to produce unconventional weapons, though no such weapons were ever found.

Ewen Buchanan, a spokesman for the U.N., said his office could not conduct a chemical analysis, so he had no choice but to contact the federal authorities:

The record just indicates it’s phosgene. It doesn’t say whether it’s degraded. Or whether it’s phosgene mixed with a solvent. It could’ve been the remnants of a bad experiment by the Iraqis. We have to assume the worst. I don’t think we were wrong in that sense.”


Like the stuff might have SPOILED so it was INEFFECTIVE?

Rhetorical question, folks.

I KNOW that that is what happens to chem-weapons.


But we will booga-booga-boo, ASSUME THE WORST, anyway, and FRIGHTEN the PEOPLE with LIES!

But the EFFECT with be ACHIEVED, so fuck it, right?

Or this could have been a COMPLETELY FABRICATED NEWS EVENT!!

And CUI BONO, reader?

from the mental connections of
Iraq = WMD = NYC = terror attack?

Just like "Al-CIA-Duh" always POPS UP when Iraq is to be DEBATED in Congress!!!


I HAVE!!!!