Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Story Iraq: War Paper Crime

And remember, this is with about 35 people being reported killed per day, although the real number of Iraqis killed per day is 300.

Yesterday's Iraqi dead, as reported by

New York Times

Boston Globe: "At least 35 people were killed or found dead across the country yesterday, including five people who died in a pair of car bombings in the Iraqi capital."

[How is that for HIDING a WAR for old Georgie?

Yeah, Amurkns believe the surge is working because THAT IS WHAT THEIR SHIT MEDIA IS TELLING THEM!

Wouldn't matter anyway, because regarding dumbfuck Amurkns "
(57 percent) say they do not like learning about political issues in other countries."

And I am supposed to have sympathy for my apathetic, uncaring, mass-murdering-enabling citizens who don't give a fuck?

Well, FUCK THEM!!!

Eat the corpses of your war dead, Amurka, and maybe once, just once, you will understand what it means to be beneath our slaughter -- and share in the experience of the lives of so many people whom AmeriKa has shattered!