Friday, September 7, 2007

Mail Box Note to CNN

I left this on their comment board regarding the "new" bin Laden video.

Not afraid anymore, 'cause we are winning and we are going to call this shithole government if ANYTHING happens here!

Fighting them there, bastard!

All the BILLIONS spent on "homeland security," and it will still fail?

Then we must SCRAP the POLICE STATE because THAT WILL HAVE FAILED, too!!!!

So go ahead, do a false-flagger you insane mass-murderers.

WE KNOW NOW, fuckers, WE KNOW!!!!

"How can we kill bin Laden, he is already dead? The PHOTO doesn't even look like him!

What, the "younger" bin Laden have a stroke? Why is his nose so fat?

Never mind that pious "Al-CIA-Duhs" would NEVER DIE their hair!

How stoo-pid do you think we are out here?

Why does AmeriKa's mainstream media continue to produce blatant propaganda and misinformation?

Why does it continue to show videos from the CIA's photo workshop at Langley?

Besides, 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB!! The whole rest of the world knows it.

Only stupid Americans who are propagandized daily by the likes of C(IA)NN still believe in the cultural myth of bin Laden and 9/11.

You are NOT FOOLYING anyone, C(IA)NN and your corporate masters!


And I didn't even mention the KIDNEY DIALYSIS that he would need in the power-starved cave!!

That respectful enough coming from me, isn't it, reader?!
