Saturday, September 8, 2007

Israel's Terror Flight

This piece is amazing.

"Alleged Israeli flyover of Syria raising questions" by Laurie Copans/Associated Press September 8, 2007

[Alleged? ALLEGED?

Shows you what LYING, Zionist SHIT SCUM the western media is!]

JERUSALEM - Syria's announcement that it opened fire on Israeli aircraft invading its airspace has raised the question of why Israel would want to heighten tensions just days after stating that war with its enemy to the north was unlikely.

[Because Israel DOES NOT WANT PEACE!]

Israel refuses to comment on Syria's assertion. But the Jewish state would have reason to fly over northern Syria: to collect information about long-range missiles pointed at Israel, to test Syrian air defense, or to try out a possible air route to its archenemy Iran.

[So, THAT makes it OK, huh?

Question, reader:

Can you IMAGINE the REACTION if it had been Syrian planes violating Israeli airspace?

Fuck, the U.N. Security Council would be called into session, and AmeriKa's government and MSM would be HOLLERING for REGIME CHANGE!!!

Are you CONVINCED yet of the pro-Israeli BIAS in AmeriKa's "news" papers?]

A Syrian government newspaper warned yesterday that the country "possesses the means to respond . . . so that it will deter Israel against proceeding with such unpredictable adventures."

Last month, Israel's army said it had determined that war with Syria is unlikely. Israel sees Syria as one of its greatest foes, and watches it closely. Israel is wary of Syria's warming ties with Iran and its support for Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon.

[Yup, war unlikely unless ISRAEL STARTS ONE!!]

Israel's air force may have been testing an air path to Iran, in case it decides to carry out an attack against that country's nuclear facilities, analysts said.

[Yeah, the bombing of Iran is going to go down real soon.

All signals pointing to it!! Sob!]

The corridor of northern Syria where the aircraft allegedly flew over is the closest straight line from the Mediterranean Sea, where Israel has easy access, to Iran. The area is separated from Iran only by Iraqi Kurdistan, a region whose rulers would almost surely allow either Israel or the United States to fly over.

Such a route is far from the safest, as Israel could also reach Iran through the friendly airspace of Turkey or Jordan, if they agreed. Even so, analysts said Israel would want to consider all options.

[Yup, all the FRIENDS of the mass-murdering, genocidal stinkstate!!

They all deserve to go down with them!]

Israel says it prefers to let the international community confront Iran's nuclear ambitions, but a lone Israeli attack is not out of the question. The country sees Iran, whose president has repeatedly called for Israel's destruction, as an existential threat. Iran insists its nuclear program is for energy, not weapons.

[Well, let the fucking shitstink state DO ITS OWN DIRTY WORK!

Fuck them!!!

So go ahead, Israel!

Bomb Iran, and wait for your destruction! What assholes!

FUCK that lying, land-stealing, mass-murdering genocidal stinkstate!!

Ephraim Inbar, director of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies;

"Of course Israel wants to let the Americans do that, but if we are left alone, the Israeli army is preparing to deal with the Iranian nuclear threat - if the political level allows it to - and this could have been a part of that."

[So Israel DOES CONTROL U.S. foreign policy!!!!

Otherwise, why would Israel have to LET us bomb Iran?

WTF? More like Israel is ORDERING US TO!!!

"During an argument between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, at a well-attended cabinet meeting held on October 3, 2001, twenty-two days after the 9/11 attacks on America, Peres said that Israel’s policies of continued violence might "turn the U.S. against us."

To this, Sharon retorted: "Every time we do something, you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear – Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel; we, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." -- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (IAP News)"

Iran is going to get hit soon, and then this whole world is going to come undone!

How tragic! All because of a bunch of BLOOD-SUCKING LIARS!!!

It NEVER CHANGES with these guys, whether it is false claims in the Ukraine (reburying the "bodies" before anyone could see them), Treblinka, and now this!

And the whole basis of their state is a LIE!

Take a look at the
electronically-scanned totals!

These "records" have been kept secret for FAR TOO LONG!!!

You would think the sufferers of this alleged Holocaust would WANT their stories out, not kept HIDDEN by

Hey, if they HADN'T LIED about those events, I would STILL BELIEVE, so you guys WRECKED IT YOURSELVES, fuckers!!!

I didn't want to KNOW the
TRUTH, either; however, after the LIES of
9/11, Iraq and HISTORY...