Friday, September 7, 2007

He Never Met a War He Didn't Like

Never mind starting a whole slew of them, the fucking shit Anti-Christ.

That's George W. Bush, in case you uninitiated readers didn't know!

Sig Heil!!!

"SYDNEY, Australia (AP) -- In a testy public exchange Friday with South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun, U.S. President George W. Bush said the United States would formally end the Korean War only when North Korea halts its nuclear weapons program.

The two leaders met on the sidelines of a 21-nation Pacific Rim summit here, spending much of their roughly one-hour session discussing the international standoff over the communist North's pursuit of atomic arms.

They had a before-the-cameras back-and-forth that was remarkable in the diplomatic world of understatement and subtlety.

Roh pushed Bush to be "clearer" about his position on an official end to the 1950-53 Korean War. The two Koreas were divided by the conflict, which ended in a truce, not a peace treaty, meaning they still remain technically at war.

The leaders' tone remained light, but Bush responded firmly: "I can't make it any more clear, Mr. President. We look forward to the day when we can end the Korean War. That will happen when Kim Jong Il verifiably gets rid of his weapons programs and his weapons."

The tense moments with Roh came as the leaders each made statements to reporters after their meeting. Roh concluded his by questioning why Bush hadn't mention the issue of the war's end.

Roh, through an interpreter: "I might be wrong. I think I did not hear President Bush mention a declaration to end the Korean War just now. Did you say so, President Bush?"

Bush: "It's up to Kim Jong Il."

[So, what, Kim Jong-Il going to GIVE the U.S. its MARCHING ORDERS?!

WTF?!?! Oh, if it is get out of Iraq, then it is "Al-CIA-Duhs" marching orders, but here the asshole Anti-Christ is WHAT?!?!

Letting Kim Jong-Il gives us our marching orders on when we end the war!

Unless, Bush intends on;t to START WARS, not END THEM!!!


Roh pressed on, prompting nervous laughter from the U.S. delegation and a look of annoyance from Bush:

"If you could be a little bit clearer."

[All right, Mr. Roh!!!!!! Aww, you are kind off a HERO to me know!!!!!

Annoying the shit Anti-Christ with PEACE TALK!!!! Go get 'em, Mr. Roh!!!!]

Under a deal reached in February after years of tortuous negotiations, North Korea agreed to relinquish its nuclear programs, including one that has produced bomb material. In return, Washington agreed to open talks on normalizing relations with the North and explore removing a terrorism designation for Pyongyang, among other inducements.

North Korea shut down its main nuclear reactor in July. And U.S. officials say Pyongyang also has agreed to disclose its nuclear programs and disable them by the end of this year. But the Bush administration is suspicious of the North.

[Yup, any excuse for WAR! Any at all!!!]

The White House acted quickly to downplay the awkward exchange. National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe, said "there was clearly something lost in translation during the photo op."

Johndroe said the United States and South Korea agree on the steps that Pyongyang must take before there can be a full peace agreement.

Also Friday, Bush had lunch with South East Asian leaders. He delivered a speech to business leaders calling on Asia-Pacific nations to keep up the anti-terror fight, not turn away from the fight in Iraq, lead the way toward a worldwide trade agreement and cooperate on addressing climate change.

In the address, Bush also prodded Russia and China to honor democratic principles and allow more freedoms.



What an ASSHOLE!!!

Yup, lecture them while you STRIP US of FREEDOM here and TRASH our Bill of Rights, asshole!!!




Bush said nations must deploy both military might and democratic ideals to turn the tide against extremists. He said countries across Asia should understand the importance of fighting terrorism, since they have so often been its victims:

"Pressure keeps the terrorists on the run, and when on the run, we're safer. We must be determined, we must be focused and we must not let up."

[And you are full of shit since 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB, carried out by you and your minions, shitlet!]

The president said the best way to open markets was to achieve a breakthrough in global trade negotiations known in the economic world as the Doha round:

"No single country can make Doha a success, but it is possible for a handful of countries that are unwilling to make the necessary contributions to bring Doha to a halt."

[Fuck your GLOBALIST PLANS, shitter!

We are ON to THAT, too, stinkfuck!!!!!!!!!!]

On climate change, Bush acknowledged the fears of some that the United States was trying to construct a successor to the Kyoto Protocol outside of international efforts already under way. The Bush administration does not support any international agreement that does not included developing nations, like China and India, that are big energy guzzlers.

Bush: "We agree these issues must be addressed in an integrated way. We take climate change seriously in America."

Climate control has been designated a top agenda item for this year's APEC meeting. The high-level discussions at APEC could shape talks at a U.N. conference in December in Bali, Indonesia, that will start to chart a successor to the Kyoto Protocol.

[That's why I don't believe the environmental "crisis."

Oh, I believe the earth is warming, but I disagree as to WHY!

No one knows, and the more evidence that is gathered is that this is a NATURAL PHENOMENA due to sun cycles, not man-made!

But that's how propaganda works, and boy have they gotten the Amurkn public to eat BOWLS of SHIT on this one -- and they are STILL EATING!!!

My view?

As long as STINKSHIT ELITES like Bush and the celebrities continue JETTING, LIMOING, and CONVOYING, I know the "crisis" is bullshit!

It is meant to get the public behind SOME FORM of GLOBAL POPULATION CONTROL!!!

Ever notice a TAX on YOUR ENERGY USE is always mentioned as a SOLUTION?!?!

Meanwhile, oil companies are clearing $10 BILLION (with a "B," kids) in PROFITS a frikkin QUARTER!!!!

That's why they want CAMERAS everywhere!!

Not for terrorists, but to CONTROL YOU!

WAKE UP, Amurka!!!!