Saturday, July 5, 2008

Whores in Wellesley

I'm beginning to think we ought to legalize the stuff and spend the money someplace else!

Making a traditionally urban crime increasingly suburban and harder to investigate."

And MORE EXPENSIVE, too, I'll bet!

Yup, Boston cops got nothing better to do than
cruise the strip and hang out in bars!

"Brothel arrests cast a shadow in Wellesley; Police say it's second case in 7 months; arrests suggest a crime that's changing" by Keith O'Brien, Globe Staff | July 5, 2008

WELLESLEY - Law enforcement officials say the Wellesley arrests - along with other recent arrests for prostitution in Needham and Newton - are indicative of the changing nature of the crime. Prostitutes, once left to work the streets, can now post advertisements for their services online, like the operation in Wellesley allegedly did, making a traditionally urban crime increasingly suburban and harder to investigate.

"The same people who used to come into the cities and cruise around sleazy neighborhoods can now do it from the comfort of their own computer chairs," said Jack Collins, general counsel for the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association. "There's been a big explosion that we've noticed in cyber-crimes of all types, and this is just one way that people are able to use their computer for other purposes."

Of course, the rich ALWAYS had their call services; it is just ramble scum that have to walk and drive the streets!!!

William Eastwick and Ying Hu, who pleaded not guilty in Dedham District Court to a litany of prostitution charges, allegedly set up their operation in affluent Wellesley. Plenty of customers responded, neighbors said, rolling up for brief stays in BMWs and Lexuses.

Wellesley detectives, responding to complaints from residents, began conducting surveillance of the apartment, ultimately working with the FBI and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Police chronicled the arrivals and departures of customers and alleged employees, of whom there appeared to be many.

So HOW MUCH did all this cost us taxpayers?!

Just to STOP PEOPLE from having some fun?
