Tuesday, July 8, 2008

U.S to Keep Manufacturing Cluster Bombs

Another bullshit, non-news, Pentagon PR "news" brief.

The day they stop making them is the day I'll actually BELIEVE!!!!

"Pentagon to seek safer cluster bombs

Faced with growing international pressure, the Pentagon is changing its policy on cluster bombs and plans to reduce the danger of unexploded munitions in the explosives. The policy shift, which is outlined in a three-page memo signed by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, would require that after 2018, more than 99 percent of the bomblets in a cluster bomb must detonate. Limiting the amount of live munitions left on the battlefield would lessen the danger to civilians. Also, by next June the Defense Department will begin to reduce its inventory of cluster bombs that do not meet the new requirements. The plan comes a month after 111 nations, including many of America's key NATO partners, adopted a treaty outlawing current designs of cluster munitions (AP)."

Also see
: U.S the Same as China on Rights, Cluster Bombs

Cluster Bombs Kill Civilians

Israel and the Bomblets