Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Judge Keeps 9/11 Destruction of Crime Scene a Secret

You will never get the truth about 9/11 if you read the enabling, complicit, Zionist-controlled, agenda-pushing, AmeriKan MSM, folks!

Which is what inspired this blog, and why YOU ARE HERE!!!

This is the only shit squirt the MSM will give you (and a brief, no less)

"Judge rejects suit over Sept. 11 debris

NEW YORK - A judge has rejected an effort by some families of Sept. 11 victims who wanted to reclaim World Trade Center debris from a landfill and create a cemetery for it. US District Judge Alvin Hellerstein said yesterday that not every wrong can be addressed through the courts. "The grave harm suffered by the plaintiffs in this case is undeniable. But the jurisdiction of a court is limited," he said. The lawsuit against the city had asked that the debris, which might contain human remains, be moved from the now-closed Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island to land across the street that could be made into a cemetery (AP)."

Please see:
The Destruction of the World Trade Center

Destruction of Evidence from Ground Zero

Baosteel Will Recycle World Trade Center Debris

Crime scene destroyed and NO INVESTIGATION -- that's what you get from the shitty AmeriKan MSM!!

Yeah, I AM ANGRY TODAY!!! How did you know?

You know, I haven't been keeping up with the blogs on all the 9/11 things because to me, IT IS SOLVED!!

Everyone in the world KNOWS it was a CIA/Mossad operation to carry out the Globalist/Zionist agenda.


Also see:
Could these transmitters controlled the planes of 9/11?

Is this where Zakheim funneled the trillions???

MASTERMIND OF 9/11! Rabbi Dov Zakheim: Under-sec of Defense