Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sticking It to China

First up is the RANK HYPOCRISY of the AmeriKan MSM!

"Man stabs to death 5 officers in station

SHANGHAI - A man stormed into a police building yesterday and stabbed five officers to death, Shanghai police said. Several other officers were injured. The attacker, who was apprehended, was initially described on the police website as a 28-year-old unemployed man from Beijing who was attempting to take revenge against authorities because he was being investigated for stealing bicycles. However, this information was deleted from the web site later in the day. Authorities in Shanghai declined to comment on the case (Los Angeles Times July 2, 2008)."

Oh, like that NEVER HAPPENS here with AmeriKa's Zionist-controlled organs!


The AmeriKan CENSORSHIP is what is MAKING ME VERY ANGRY because I have to RETYPE and SEARCH for articles.

I mean, just look at the WEB CUTS I highlight in TODAY'S POSTS ALONE!!!


The actions show an unhealthy brazenness in regards to human rights." -- Representative Christopher Smith, Republican of New Jersey and a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said in an interview yesterday.

"China has regressed. There has been absolutely, positively no progress" on human rights"
-- Representative Frank Wolf, Republican of Virginia, in an interview yesterday. "

Oh, please,
SHUT UP, sirs!!!!

Also see:

Hell-oween: Afghanistan Torture File/The First Abu Ghraib

Hell-oween: Afghanistan Torture File/Perversion

Hell-oween: Afghanistan Torture File/Dilawar and Habibullah

Hell-oween: Afghanistan Torture File/Chamber of Horrors

Hell-oween: Afghanistan Torture File/American Amnesty

Hell-oween: Afghanistan Torture File/Bagram

Afghanistan Torture Chamber

Inside Bagram Prison

The Globe's Weekend Movie

Also see:

Memory Hole: Iraq's Jails

Memory Hole: Torture Rules

Memory Hole: Camp Nama and Task Force 6-26

Occupation Iraq: New Torture Techniques Revealed

Occupation Iraq: Winter Soldiers Speak

Memory Hole: What Four Years of Torture Will Do to an Innocent Man

Where's that salt shaker?

"Dissident lawyers detained, arrested in China; Clampdown continues before Games" by Jill Drew and Edward Cody, Washington Post | July 2, 2008

BEIJING - "The actions show an unhealthy brazenness in regards to human rights," Representative Christopher Smith, Republican of New Jersey and a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said in an interview yesterday.

"China has regressed," said Representative Frank Wolf, Republican of Virginia, in an interview yesterday. "There has been absolutely, positively no progress" on human rights."

And you are going to LOVE THIS!!!!

On the same evening Wolf and Smith were supposed to dine with the activist lawyers, the visiting secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, hailed renewal of the US-China human rights dialogue on May 26 as a step forward in improving China's human rights record. Rice, who later that evening dined with Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, said Sunday that she was reminding him that the United States considers human rights an important issue and would continue to make it a part of the increasingly close US-China relationship.

Yang, at an upbeat Sunday news conference with Rice, said China also regarded resumption of the human rights dialogue as a sign of progress and expressed willingness to continue human rights discussions with the United States and other nations "on a basis of mutual respect."

Neither he nor Rice mentioned the lawyers who were being prevented from seeing Wolf and Smith.

Yup, she TOAST THEM like Scowcroft after Tiannemann?

But the simultaneous comments from him and Rice drew attention to the frequently wide gap between what Chinese security forces do to quash dissent and what the Foreign Ministry and other public parts of the government tell foreign visitors about rule by law and human rights improvements.

And the AmeriKan government is different how?

The Chinese security apparatus, for instance, has tightened controls considerably in the lead-up to the Olympics. The Public Security Bureau has expressed concern that Islamic terrorists, perhaps Uighur separatists from the far-western Xinjiang region, could try to mount a spectacular attack in Beijing during the games.

Yeah, but when that is done by AmeriKa's government, it is called FREEDOM!!!!!

Can you see why I am SICK of SHIT AmeriKan "journalism?"

Smith said he and Wolf decided to travel to Beijing now, when there was still time before the Olympics for China to demonstrate its commitment to human rights. Their goal was to persuade China to free some jailed dissidents before the Games begin.

"These dialogues are fine as long as they are not just public relations efforts," Smith said. "China has to have deeds to match its words."

Oh, I guess that's why the U.S. Tortures for China,'eh, SHITHEAD?


And let's heap HYPOCRISY upon HYPOCRISY, shall we?

WASHINGTON - The military trainers who came to Guantanamo Bay in December 2002 based an entire interrogation class on a chart showing the effects of "Coercive Management Techniques" for possible use on prisoners, including "Sleep Deprivation," "Prolonged Constraint," and "Exposure."

What the trainers did not say, and may not have known, was that their chart had been copied verbatim from a 1957 Air Force study of Chinese communist techniques used during the Korean War to obtain confessions, many of them false, from American prisoners.


Then THROW OUT KSM's "confession!"

Oh, by the way, that is NOT the only place we got the TORTURE TECHNIQUES!

One place they raised torture techniques was from the Soviet Union!!!

And WHERE ELSE did they come up with this stuff?


When are the WAR CRIMES TRIALS?!

But no, the Boston Globe editorializes about the CIA asset instead.

"Beijing's Dalai Lama complex July 2, 2008

CHINA'S LEADERS would be making a mistake if they treat this week's talks with envoys of the Dalai Lama merely as a public relations ploy to avoid trouble before the August Olympic Games in Beijing. Their hope would be to avoid protests by Tibetans and to placate foreign heads of state such as French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who has said his attendance at the Aug. 8 opening ceremonies will depend on the progress achieved in the dialogue with the Tibetans.

Beijing's bosses have invested a great deal of effort in staging the Games, with the obvious intention of demonstrating that they have succeeded at turning post-Mao Zedong China into a thoroughly modernized great power.

Do they ever say U.S. bosses? Yeah, that's what I thought.

But their harsh repression of the Tibetan protests last March showed the world a different face. And their insistence on repeating threadbare lies about the Dalai Lama's "splittist" ambitions - pretending he really wants independence for Tibet despite his continued calls for limited autonomy and cultural survival - makes the Chinese leadership look tellingly insecure.

Once you realize the DL is a CIA tool, its easy to see through this agenda driving garbage.

By the way, the SUFFERING from the EARTHQUAKE sure disappeared quickly enough from the Zionist MSM, huh?

And where has BURMA been, huh, agenda-pushers?

An ascendant great power confident of its legitimacy would not show so much fear of the ethical and spiritual influence of the Dalai Lama. A secure regime would not try to impose on the outside world the same blatant untruths its propaganda apparatus peddles to a domestic audience.

Oh, THEY are SOMETHING ELSE, aren't they?

Then AmeriKa and its Zionist Media must be VERY, VERY INSECURE, huh?


FUCK YOU, Zionist shit stains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Inviting the revered leader of Tibetans to return to his homeland would do far more for Beijing's image than the most clockwork Olympic Games.

If the Dalai Lama returned to Lhasa a half century after fleeing the Chinese People's Liberation Army and preached the wisdom of Tibetan autonomy within China, China's leaders would have a chance of fostering harmonious relations between Tibetans and Chinese. That is preferable to waiting for the Dalai Lama to die in exile in the hope that his people would submit passively to demographic submersion and cultural extinction."

And if he DOES RETURN look for the CIA to ASSASSINATE HIM and FRAME CHINA!!!

That ought to get all the LEFTY LIBERALS ON BOARD for the WWIII!!!!!

CUI BONO, 'eh?