Saturday, July 12, 2008

Environmental Pffffffft

Same drill as yesterday.

I'm not going to rail about the agenda-pushing lies today; only show you that even on this level, even if nominally for the administration's position, I can't be for them because they are BREAKING the LAW!!

Is there not one law to which this administration adheres?

I know, stoo-pid question.

"N.E. faces increase in smog warnings; New rules spotlight harmful exposure" by Beth Daley, Globe Staff | July 12, 2008

The sweltering temperatures have hardly begun, but unhealthy, smoggy air has permeated parts of New England 18 days already, and many more are in the forecast.

Nothing like starting with an agenda-pushing lie.


Look, I LIVE HERE and there have been MAYBE TWO DAYS where it has been uncomfortable.

And quite honestly, readers, the nights have been chilly because I'm keeping two blankets on at night, so WTF?!? It is the MIDDLE of JULY!!!!

But the MSM can spew lies about the weather, and people just say, "Oh, yup."


It's not that the air suddenly got dirtier. Rather, the federal government in March lowered the threshold for declaring the air unhealthy, based on research showing that smog is far more harmful at lower concentrations than previously believed.

This week, the EPA released a draft report that said manmade climate change would probably cause more smog in the Northeast.


Just wondering how many times the MSM is going to keep lying about that particular issue (see links).

Also see: Memory Hole: Dead Earth

And here is your lovable, lying, law-breaking White House!

"White House rejects regulating greenhouse gases" by Dina Cappiello, Associated Press Writer | July 12, 2008

WASHINGTON --The Bush administration, dismissing the recommendations of its top experts, rejected regulating the greenhouse gases blamed for global warming Friday, saying it would cripple the U.S. economy.

In a 588-page federal notice, the Environmental Protection Agency made no finding on whether global warming poses a threat to people's health or welfare, reversing an earlier conclusion at the insistence of the White House and officially kicking any decision on a solution to the next president and Congress.

Congress hasn't found the will to do much about the problem either. Supporters of regulating greenhouse gases could get only 48 votes in the 100-member Senate last month. The House has held several hearings on the problem but no votes on any bill addressing it.

Really, what have they done other than collaborate with Bush on his war agenda and his tyranny?

The EPA said it had encountered resistance from the Agriculture, Commerce, Energy and Transportation departments, as well as the White House, that made it "impossible" to respond in a timely fashion to the Supreme Court decision.


And WTF is up with the unlikely allies (and why am I catching the stench of globalists)?

"Court strikes key aspect of Bush clean air rules" by Matt Apuzzo, Associated Press | July 12, 2008

WASHINGTON - A federal appeals court unanimously struck down a signature component of President Bush's clean air policies yesterday, dealing a blow to environmental groups and probably delaying further action until the next administration.

President Bush found himself with unusual allies.

Frank O'Donnell, president of Clean Air Watch, a group that has criticized other Bush administration policies:

"This is the rare case where environmental groups went to court alongside the Bush administration."

The EPA said the rule would dramatically reduce sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions, saving up to $100 billion in health benefits. Besides the reduction in premature deaths, the EPA also said the rule would have prevented millions of lost work and school days and tens of thousands of nonfatal heart attacks.

Aww, to hell with the American people.

They already eat shit, so why not breathe it, too?

The ruling was somewhat of a surprise, even to North Carolina and industry groups. William M. Bumpers, an attorney representing Entergy Corp., said a few electric companies flatly opposed the regulation but favored it in general because it included cap-and-trade provisions. Such provisions allow companies that exceed emissions caps to buy credits from companies that do not.


So when the BLOGS holler about that globalist goal as the end result of the agenda-pushing, you know that they are TELLING the TRUTH!

By the way, I guess the FIRE, FLOOD and FOOD CRISES are over since there is NO COVERAGE of them in my SHIT GLOBE!

Just more agenda-pushing garbage!
