I don't like putting the guy's mug up, but he truly looks as insane as an Anti-Christ would be:

President Bush and Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda of Japan discussed efforts to aid Africa yesterday. (EVAN VUCCI/ASSOCIATED PRESS)
And I'm not buying the cover story; I'm sure it is IRAN that is dominating the discussions.
"PRESIDENT BUSH: I reminded him that, yes, I’m leaving, but not until six months and I’m sprinting to the finish. So we can get a lot done together and, you know, a lot of important issues. There is — you know, Iran is an area where Russia and the United States have worked closely in the past and will continue to work closely to convince the regime to give up its desire to enrich uranium. You know, I’m not going to sit here and psychoanalyze the man."
Like that nutter would be qualified to judge someone else's sanity!
Did you see the photo?
"G-8 set to renew efforts to aid Africa" by Michael Abramowitz, Washington Post | July 7, 2008
TOYAKO, Japan - Leaders of the Group of Eight countries expect to sign off this week on a plan to provide detailed assessments of how well individual countries are fulfilling promises of development assistance to Africa, according to sources familiar with the initiative.
The plan is likely to be viewed as a significant breakthrough by nonprofit groups that have been pushing the G-8 to be more accountable about the billions of dollars in well-publicized aid its members have promised Africa for fighting malaria, AIDS, and other diseases.
Several recent studies suggest that the G-8 countries will miss their goal, set in 2005, of doubling developmental assistance to Africa to $50 billion annually unless they reenergize their efforts. "Donors are yet again 'off track' in delivering upon their commitments and, with every 'off-track' year that passes, fully delivering the commitments by 2010 becomes more difficult," the antipoverty group DATA reported last month.
Arriving for the first of four days of meetings, President Bush made clear yesterday that developing an international monitoring mechanism for African assistance is one of his top priorities at his last G-8 summit. He suggested that Japan, the host of this year's summit, is on board with the idea and praised Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda for a "strong belief in the accountability aspect of this meeting."
The guy makes me sick when he talks about accountability for others -- while his war criminal regime shovels money into the coffers of war profiteers!!!!
"In other words, when people say they're [going to] make a pledge to feed the hungry or provide for the ill, that we ought to honor that pledge," Bush told reporters at a joint press conference with Fukuda.
And if you pledge to invade a nation and kill millions, well, you do that, too, right, George?!
The two leaders met privately and then dined yesterday in advance of the gathering of large industrialized countries that meet annually to develop strategies to tackle such problems as global warming and the food crisis.
Yeah, sure; these people who designed this program of mass suffering and extermination are going to fix it!
Bush was eager to calm relations with Japan, the most important US ally in Asia, which have been strained in recent weeks by his decision to remove North Korea from the official US list of state sponsors of terrorism. That move came as part of a deal aimed at persuading North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program.
During the news conference and a meeting with Fukuda and his top aides, Bush sought to assure the Japanese that he would not abandon efforts to resolve the fate of their citizens abducted by North Koreans in the 1970s and '80s, a highly sensitive subject in Japan.
Is there ANYONE this guy hasn't pissed off?
Bush also defended a decision announced Thursday to attend the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games next month in Beijing, saying that skipping the event would be an "affront to the Chinese people."
But, but, but... what about YOUR GUY, George?
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Why you dissing. the DL?
"BEIJING - Envoys for the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader, said over the weekend that their meetings with Chinese officials in the last week were so disappointing that they could not even get the Chinese to agree to issue a joint statement committing both sides to further talks.
Tibet advocates are now urging leaders of the Group of Eight industrialized nations to raise concerns about the fate of Tibetans who participated in widespread protests this spring against Chinese rule with President Hu Jintao of China at an outreach meeting in Hokkaido, Japan, in the coming week."
WTF, Georgie? I thought you were a LOYAL guy!
Human rights advocates and those seeking to pressure China to help resolve the crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan have urged Bush to stay away from the opening ceremonies. Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Britain has said he will not attend the opening ceremonies, and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France is also considering a boycott.
But Bush said he views the Olympics as an opportunity to cheer on athletes, not to make a political statement. "I had the honor of dealing with the Chinese - two Chinese presidents during my term, and every time I have visited with them I have talked about religious freedom and human rights," he said. "I guess I don't need the Olympics to express my concerns. I've been doing so."
Then FUCK YOU and your human rights blather, asshole!!!
And WHERE is the AmeriKan MSM criticism?!?
Case closed!
Fukuda unexpectedly weighed in as well, announcing that he, too, would attend the opening ceremonies. "There certainly may be problems with China, but even so, they are striving to improve things," he said.
The plan to set up a monitoring system to track development promises to Africa has been one of the main US objectives for the summit. While the United States is under pressure from other G-8 countries to set more ambitious targets for addressing global warming, Bush and his aides have been plotting for months to turn the tables on their allies by pressuring them on aid to Africa."--MORE--"
And I thought the guy was PRINCIPLED!!!
Nope, just the same old PLOTTING and PLANNING of POLITICS!!!!
SPINNING the AGENDA once again!
And the AmeriKan MSM BIT!!!!
That wasn't ANOTHER FALSE-FLAG ATTACK they were plotting, was it?