I'm going to take you through the articles as I found, was made aware of them.
A blog was first to notify me, can you believe it?
"US justifies Afghan wedding bombing"
"A US airstrike that killed dozens of guests at a wedding party in Afghanistan in July was justified, a US military investigation has concluded. Its report says people at the party in central Afghanistan's Uruzgan province who fired at US aircraft were to blame, not the American pilots who returned the fire.
The Afghan Government says 48 civilians - mostly women and children - were killed and 117 injured by the US AC-130 aircraft during the incident.
The US investigators say the airstrike was part of a larger operation in the area. The Afghan officials and survivors of the incident say the only gunfire from the area came from the guests who fired their rifles in celebration.
Despite the report's claims that heavy weapons had been fired at the US aircraft in the days before the raid, the American investigators found no evidence of anti-aircraft weapons at the bombed sites.
Washington has not used the word "apology" because of differing accounts of what happened during the 1 July airstrike."
That was LAST WEEK, not this weekend, readers? WTF?
And because of the garbage tools, I lost the link. I'm posting anyway:
"Afghans Say Civilians Killed in U.S. Strike" by ABDUL WAHEED WAFA
KABUL, Afghanistan, July 6 — Local officials in eastern Afghanistan said Sunday that an American airstrike killed at least 27 civilians at a wedding, most of them women and children and including the bride. Coalition officials disputed the report, though, saying that the airstrike killed militants and that there was no evidence of women and children at the scene.
The airstrike, in the Deh Bala district of Nangarhar Province early Sunday morning, was the second in the past three days in which large numbers of civilian deaths were reported. A helicopter airstrike in Nuristan Province on Friday in which 22 civilians had been killed and 7 wounded, the provincial governor said. The American military has also disputed that account, saying that only people who had been firing on coalition forces were hit.
The governor of Deh Bala district, Hamisha Gul, said that the airstrike on Sunday came while a group of women and children were walking from the bride’s village, Kamalai, to the groom’s home. Tradition holds that women and children walk with the bride separately from the men.
Mr. Gul said that residents had reported finding “so far 27 bodies, including two men, and the others are all women and children.”
“The new bride is among the deaths,” he added.
Sigh! And the worst thing is THESE PEOPLE NEVER DID ANYTHING TO US!
9/11 a BLACK-BAG INSIDE JOB and everybody knows it!
A member of Parliament from the area, Babrak Shinwary, said in an interview in Kabul that he had received phone calls from his constituents with similar reports.
Dr. Ajmal Pardis, director of public health in Nangarhar Province said that the hospital in Jalalabad, the province capital, had received five people, three women and two men, wounded in the airstrike."
And JUST LIKE I've said about Pakistan, CUI BONO?
What "TIMING," 'eh?
KABUL, July 7 -- At least 40 people were killed and 141 injured Monday in a powerful suicide blast near the Indian Embassy in Afghanistan capital, Afghan officials said.
The INDIAN embassy?! You DON'T SAY?!
I gotta clue as to who might be behind that, CUI BONO?
The explosion in the center of Kabul occurred around 8:30 a.m., ripping through a crowd of people waiting in line for visas at the Indian Embassy, said Ali Shah Paktiwal, chief of the criminal investigations division of the Afghan Interior Ministry. Authorities initially feared that the blast had hit the nearby headquarters of the Interior Ministry, but afterwards saw that the Indian diplomatic mission had been targeted.
Witnesses said dozens of bodies were strewn on the busy, tree-lined street in front of the building in central Kabul. The death toll was expected to rise.
Shortly after the attack, several military patrols arrived in the area to help secure the scene. A contingent of American soldiers among the military patrols opened fire on a car as it approached the embassy, wounding a woman and two men inside the vehicle.
Mirwais, a 40-year-old Afghan government employee, said he was waiting in line with his uncle when he was thrown to the ground by the deafening blast. "I was unconscious for three or for minutes and when I woke up I saw five dead bodies around me, several without legs," said Mirwais, who like many Afghans uses only one name.
The explosion damaged dozens of cars and several neighboring shops. The sound of the blast could be heard miles away. Witnesses said the explosion occurred as a car rammed the gates of the Indian Embassy and detonated.
Police and Interior Ministry officials gave conflicting numbers of casualties early Monday morning. The Associated Press said that Interior Ministry spokesman Najib Nikzad had put the death toll at 40, and said that as many as 9 police officers and embassy guards were among the dead. Several local hospitals were put on high alert as dozens of casualties began streaming in from the site of the attack. A list of 21 people injured and four killed in the blast was posted at Kabul's Emergency Hospital. Sayed Kabir Amiri, deputy director of Jamhuriat Hospital near the embassy, said late Monday morning that 50 wounded and 2 dead had been brought to there.
The attack sowed confusion across the city as relatives of the victims rushed to local emergency rooms to search for their loved ones. At the Emergency Hospital, Mohammed Sabeer, 45, said his 13-year-old daughter had been wounded in the attack, and he was unable to find his three other children after the blast. "I don't know where they are. I checked at another hospital and they weren't there. Now I want to go to all of the hospitals to see if they were taken there," Sabeer said.
The attack on the Indian Embassy prompted swift and sharp condemnation from the Afghan government. Afghan Foreign Minister Rangeen Dadfar Spanta rushed to the scene of the carnage soon after the bomb exploded. Indian Embassy officials said the Indian ambassador was not inside at the time of the explosion."
Of course, there are differing views about who may be responsible (even though it all tracks back to the same groups):
"Afghanistan Accuses "Foreign Intelligence Agency" Of Deadly Embassy Bombing"
by Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, July 7, 2008
Afghanistan’s interior ministry has accused a “foreign intelligence agency” of being behind today’s deadly suicide bombing that ripped apart the country’s Indian embassy in Kabul, killing 41 people. Could the event represent another “false flag” run by American intelligence as a means of maintaining a military presence in Afghanistan and control of the country’s lucrative opium trade?
A further 141 were injured when the bomber rammed a car packed with explosives into two diplomatic vehicles entering the embassy and the blast also devastated nearby shops and buildings.
“The interior ministry believes this attack was carried out in coordination and consultation with an active intelligence service in the region,” the ministry said in a statement.
“Afghanistan has previously accused Pakistani agents of being behind a number of attacks on its soil,” according to a [3] London Guardian report, referring to the notorious Pakistani ISI intelligence agency.
[4] As Jane’s Information Group notes, “The CIA has well-established links with the ISI, having trained it in the 1980s to ‘run’ Afghan mujahideen (holy Muslim warriors), Islamic fundamentalists from Pakistan as well as Arab volunteers by providing them with arms and logistic support to evict the Soviet occupation of Kabul.”
“Opium cultivation and heroin production in Pakistan’s northern tribal belt and neighbouring Afghanistan was also a vital offshoot of the ISI-CIA co-operation. It succeeded not only in turning Soviet troops into addicts, but also in boosting heroin sales in Europe and the US through an elaborate web of well-documented deceptions, transport networks, couriers and payoffs. This, in turn, offset the cost of the decade-long anti-Soviet ‘unholy war’ in Afghanistan.”
Could the Kabul bombing be a joint ISI-CIA false flag for the purposes of creating a pretext for the continued presence of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, control of the booming opium drugs trade and the construction of permanent military bases?
[5] As we reported last month, Middle East sources indicated that U.S. forces gave the green light for the Taliban to attack a government prison in Kandahar on June 13th, and stood idly by while Taliban fighters violently freed more than 1000 inmates.
According to some observers, the recent apparent resurgence of the Taliban has been encouraged by NATO and the U.S. as a bulwark against political pressure and calls for troops to leave the country.
Without an enemy to fight, there would be no justification for a continued U.S. and NATO presence in Afghanistan. There would be no more weapons sales contracts and no more rebuilding contracts for Halliburton. Opium cultivation would fall back into the hands of warlords and the Taliban, who banned production before the U.S. invasion in 2001, after which heroin flooded the streets of the U.S. and UK in record numbers as cultivation soared 50 per cent year on year. Afghanistan now exports upwards of 92 per cent of the world’s supply of opium, which is used to make heroin.
As [6] Professor Michel Chossudovsky writes, “U.S. military presence has served to restore rather than eradicate the drug trade.”
“Implemented in 2000-2001, the Taliban’s drug eradication program led to a 94 percent decline in opium cultivation. In 2001, according to UN figures, opium production had fallen to 185 tons. Immediately following the October 2001 US led invasion, production increased dramatically, regaining its historical levels.”
“Based on wholesale and retail prices in Western markets, the earnings generated by the Afghan drug trade are colossal. In July 2006, street prices in Britain for heroin were of the order of Pound Sterling 54, or $102 a gram,” Chossudovsky notes.
The necessity for continued violence in Afghanistan exists just like it does in Iraq, for the pretext of justifying an endless military occupation and the opportunity to build military bases that will be used as launch pads for future wars, as is now being discussed for Iraq.
As we have highlighted in the past, links between Taliban leadership and the U.S. military-industrial complex are documented.
As [7] Seymour Hersh reported in January 2002, at the height of the war in Afghanistan, hundreds of Taliban fighters “accidentally” ended up on U.S. organized special safety corridor airlifts right before the fall of Kunduz.
The Taliban itself was a creation of the CIA having been set up and bankrolled by the U.S. in tandem with Pakistan’s ISI.
“In the 1980s, the CIA provided some $5 billion in military aid for Islamic fundamentalist rebels fighting the Soviet occupation in Afghanistan, but scaled down operations after Moscow pulled out in 1989. However, Selig Harrison of the DC-based Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars recently told a conference in London that the CIA created the Taliban “monster” by providing some $3 billion for the ultra-fundamentalist militia in their 1994-6 drive to power,” [8] reported the Times of India."
What to think, 'eh, readers?
I'm just giving you the info; make up your own mind about everything yourself.
Do your own research.
But back to the subject at hand (from my Boston Globe that I purchased this morning):
"US strike allegedly kills Afghan civilians; Military calls report false but will investigate" by Amir Shah and Jason Straziuso, Associated Press | July 7, 2008
I'd really like to know what is "alleged" about the young man in pain here:

A boy was treated in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, yesterday after he was allegedly injured by US-led coalition air strikes. (Nesar Ahmad/Associated Press)
KABUL, Afghanistan - Afghan officials said fighter aircraft battling militants accidentally killed up to 27 people walking to a wedding ceremony in eastern Afghanistan early yesterday, the second military attack in three days with reports of civilian deaths.
And that is only what the lying, obfuscating MSM is telling us.
This must be so bad they can't ignore it without looking like the lying shills they are.
They still write stink.
The US military dismissed the reports as militant propaganda and said its missiles only struck insurgents. President Hamid Karzai had already ordered an investigation into allegations that missiles from US helicopters struck civilians Friday in eastern Afghanistan, though the Defense Ministry yesterday said that the attack on the Nuristan-Kunar border killed or wounded 20 militants.
US Army General David D. McKiernan, the commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, said the two events were being investigated. He noted that militants hide among and intimidate civilians.
First Lieutenant Nathan Perry, a US spokesman, said the military has repeatedly seen militants falsely cite civilian casualties.
"Whenever we do an air strike the first thing they're going to cry is 'Air strike killed civilians' when the missile actually struck militant extremists we were targeting in the first place," Perry said. "
At this time we don't believe we've harmed anyone except for the combatants."
At this point, I no longer believe the lying U.S. military and its enabling, complicit mouthpieces of the AmeriKan MSM!
After all, we've been told for seven years we are winning, blah, blah, blah.
Shut up, liars!!!!
In a statement, Karzai cited allegations by Tamim Nuristani, the governor of Nuristan Province, that 15 civilians were killed and seven wounded in the Friday attack. During a Cabinet meeting yesterday, top Afghan officials prayed for any innocent lives lost, a presidential palace statement said.
"The killing and wounding of our countrymen as the result of air strikes is news that always makes us sad," Karzai said.
Whatever, puppet!
In yesterday's strike, the chief government official in the Deh Bala district of Nangarhar Province said villagers reported that as many as 27 people walking in a group toward a wedding were killed in a bombing. Up to 11 other people were wounded, Haji Amishah Gul said.
Nuristan provincial police chief spokesman Ghafor Khan said that fighter aircraft attacked a group of militants near the village of Kacu, but that one of the missiles went off course and hit the wedding party. Khan said many militants were killed in the attack.
Both officials relied on reports called in by telephone from villagers. The area was too remote for officials or reporters to reach. Gul said the group killed included men, women, and children. Six of those wounded were taken to the provincial hospital in Jalalabad.
Lal Wazir, an Afghan who helped bring the wounded to the hospital, said the air strike occurred at 6:30 a.m.
"The wedding participants were on their way to the groom's house," Wazir said outside the hospital, his tunic covered in blood after carrying some of those wounded.
"They stopped in a narrow location for rest. The plane came and bombed the area. There were between 80 to 90 people altogether. We have carried six of the injured to this hospital, and more might be coming. The exact number of casualties is not clear," he said.
The issue of civilian casualties has caused friction between the Afghan government and US and NATO troops, and has weakened the standing of Karzai, who has the backing of Western powers, in the eyes of the population.
Karzai has repeatedly called for better coordination between Afghan and foreign troops in pursuing militants through populated areas, and for international troops to cut down on civilian casualties.
Deaths of ordinary Afghans caused a huge outcry last year, but there have been fewer accusations of such killings in recent months."Yeah, yeah, same old, same old from the American MSM!
Have you just been hiding the Afghans suffering (you have)?