Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Painful Journey

That's what I have been on, and what I am going to take you on today, readers.

It is because I purchased the Boston Globe.

When I went to bed last night, I had scouted both newspapers (New York Times as well) and wasn't going to buy them, wasn't going to post them.

But I woke up early and after pondering a minute, bought a Boston Globe for three bits.

Readers, the scale of war propaganda and AneriKan police state inside the pages was stunning to me.

Many of the items I will post today I was already aware of off the blogs, but I have been picky lately because you can read their sites as well as I can.

What is painfully apparent to me now is the astounding level of propaganda in AmeriKa's "news," to the point of where it is presented in such an agenda-pushing, propagandistic way to be completely unbelievable.

That's the way I see the lying, Zionist-controlled AmeriKan media these days because that is what has proven out in my consumption of them for decades.

Too bad they lied about Iraq, because that woke me up.

Dumb move, Zionist controllers.

I'll never believe again.

Today, readers, I'm not going to arrange and parse my stories.

I'm just going to take you on my hurtful, painful, outrageous journey through a "liberal" AmeriKa's MSM newspaper today.

Sorry, but I won't be highlighting much, and I will be posting the propaganda in full.

You need to get a taste and feel of the immenseness of the propaganda and control, folks!