Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Occupation Iraq: Lies From the Past

Note the source, readers:


"The United States launched a missile attack against Iraq tonight in retaliation for what President Clinton described as a "loathsome and cowardly" attempt to assassinate former President George Bush during a visit to Kuwait in April.

United States ships in the Red Sea and Persian Gulf fired 23 Tomahawk cruise missiles at the main headquarters of the Iraqi intelligence service in downtown Baghdad, which Mr. Clinton said was responsible for plotting the attack on Mr. Bush. The missiles struck about 6 P.M. Eastern time, early Sunday morning in Baghdad...."

"Except ... there WAS no plot by Saddam to kill Bush Sr. Like the WMDs, Al Qaeda, and 9-11, it was just another lie to justify a war." -- Mike Rivero of What Really Happened

Here is another goodie:

"Hillary Clinton Again Lies about Iraq"

"At the forum in Los Angeles, Hillary Clinton declared, "We bombed them for days in 1998 because Saddam Hussein threw out inspectors."

That statement was totally false. The bombing campaign had been planned for months and the inspectors were not thrown out. They were ordered out by President Bill Clinton in anticipation of the four-day U.S.-led bombing campaign.

The chronology, which is on the public record, is as follows....

Indeed, in Thursday night’s debate, Senator Clinton claims that she voted to authorize war against Iraq in October 2002 because “we needed to put inspectors in.” However, this was also a lie, since Saddam Hussein had by that time already agreed for a return of the weapons inspectors. Furthermore, Senator Clinton voted against the substitute Levin amendment, which would have also granted President Bush authority to use force, but only if Iraq defied subsequent UN demands regarding the inspections process. Instead, Senator Clinton voted for the Republican-sponsored resolution to give President Bush the authority to invade Iraq at the time and circumstances of his own choosing regardless of whether inspectors returned. Indeed, unfettered large-scale weapons inspections had been going on in Iraq for nearly four months at the time the Bush administration launched the March 2003 invasion that Senator Clinton had voted to authorize.

This is part of a longstanding pattern of Senator Hillary Clinton misleading the American public about Iraq in order to justify her militaristic policies. It is important to remember that, back in October 2002, despite widespread and public skepticism expressed by arms control experts over the Bush administration’s claims that Iraq had somehow re-armed itself, Senator Clinton was insisting that Iraq’s possession of biological and chemical weapons was “not in doubt” and was “undisputed.” She also claimed, despite the reports of the International Atomic Energy Agency that Iraq’s nuclear program had been completely eliminated, that Iraq was “trying to develop nuclear weapons.”

This inevitably raises concerns that if Hillary Clinton is elected president, she will have no qualms about lying once again to the American people in order to justify going to war.

Stephen Zunes is a professor of politics and international studies at the University of San Francisco.

More Clinton lies:

"Clinton lied about sniper fire"

"Shocker: Hillary Lied About China Briefings"

"Hillary's Lies: Darfur, Rwanda, Bosnia"