
The end for Tamer, 9."

Then take a look at this kid's leg, readers!
Warning: VERY GRAPHIC PHOTO, but what the hell, YOU ARE PAYING FOR IT, 'mukrn!!!
Need a real heartbreaker, America?
This one is titled "Solace in time of grief":

No wonder they are freaking when they lose their children.
Water streaming down the face, readers!!!!!!
And if I ever have to hear that NaZionist racism about "hating Jews more than they love their kids," I will be SWEARING AD INFINITUM!!!!!!!
And check out these more than accurate images: APOCALYPSE 2008
You may know sit down and read.
Give yourself about about an hour.
All bloggers, no me...
"Israel Kills Some More Children" by Mohammed Omer
The end for Tamer, 9.
Credit:Mohammed Omer
GAZA CITY, Mar 1 (IPS) - Tamer was nine, and no child soldier. He did not live in the area from where home-made rockets are launched into Israeli territory. The day he was killed, he was at least two kilometres from the place Israeli troops had entered Gaza, and met with return fire by Palestinian resistance.
His tragedy was that the family home was near Deir al-Balah in the middle of the Gaza Strip, close to the area the Israelis have set up as their Kussfim base.
“We were all inside the house when shooting started,” Tamer’s aunt Etaf tells IPS. “It was right after members of the Palestinian resistance stopped shooting at Israeli troops,” she said, pointing towards the scene of those clashes a couple of kilometres away. But the Israelis marched into this area as well, hardly for the first time.
Members of the family decided to crawl out into the rain after a bullet hit a gas cylinder, Etaf said. “But Israeli soldiers continued to fire on us from a tank and Hummer military jeep.” After some time, seeing that the gas cylinder had not exploded, Etaf said she crawled back into the house. Tamer followed, but never made it. “I saw Tamer shot, with a bullet in his head.”
“He wanted to become a doctor when he grew up,” says his mother Sabah Abu Shaar.
Like Tamer, other children are dying, and their mothers’ dreams with them. A six-month infant named Mohammed al-Bourai was killed when an Israeli missile crashed into the house Wednesday this week, moments after he’d been fed. The family house happens to be close to the offices of Gaza’s ministry of interior, and to the house of de facto Gaza Prime Minister Ismail Hanyieh.
The same day, three other Palestinian children were killed in an air strike. The following day, four Palestinian children were killed near the Jabaliya refugee camp while playing soccer. Two of the boys, all aged 7 to 14, were from the same family. A child’s body was found in eastern Gaza, a victim of Israeli shelling.
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Human Affairs says in a Gaza fact sheet that 80 Palestinians were killed in January of this year, and 82 were injured. The January deaths included four children and five women. The Israeli casualties through the month were nine injuries from home-made rockets.
Just over the past three days, Israeli air strikes have killed at least 35 Palestinians, among them nine children. Many more are injured, and some are in critical condition.
Following Friday prayers, tens of thousands of Gazans came out on the streets in protest against the Israeli air strikes. Matan Vilnai, Israeli deputy defence minister, has said that Gaza faces a “holocaust” if the home-made rockets do not stop. Since May 2007, these rockets have killed one Israeli.
Emergency medical care is now threatened. The head of the ambulance department at Shifa hospital says he has just 20 litres of fuel left in stock for the ambulances. Once this runs out, little help will be available to victims of the next Israeli attacks.
Israeli attacks and firing are now so continuous that many in Deir al-Balah say they cannot sleep. “We can’t feel safe here,” says Tashaeel, one of Tamer’s elder sisters. “If we’d also left with Tamer, their bullets would have made a harvest of us all.”
The family has tried in vain for UN help in moving to another area. “Bullets chase us day and night,” says mother Sabah. “We can’t go out, and we have nowhere else to go. No money to move to a safer place where I could save the lives of my children.
“Last week Israeli soldiers had attacked out house, and ordered my seven daughters, two sons and myself into the rain, with their dangerous dogs scaring us away,” Sabah said. “Then they ransacked our house for several hours, leaving it in total chaos before we were allowed back in.” Such raids are common, she said.
Tamer was killed in the next one. The grieving family is now without water after bullets punctured the overhead tank. The walls of the house are pock-marked with bullet holes. And all the time they fear that Israeli bulldozers will bring down this too.
As Palestinians in Gaza wait for more Israeli attacks, UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon has expressed strong concern. “These events underscore the urgent need for a calming of violence, and must not be allowed to deter the continuation of the political process,” he said. But such statements mean little on the ground, and people in Gaza see no international action to stop Israel.
“Gaza today faces a real war, a crazy war,” Haniyeh said during Friday prayers near the Shati refugee camp. He also criticised the U.S. for accepting Israeli claims of ‘legitimate self-defence’. Despite Israel’s best attempts at ostracising Haniyeh, his popularity seems only to have increased."
I'm posting the whole article, but you need to click on the link to see the truthful artwork:
"In June, 1942, in reprisal for the assassination of the Nazi commander Reinhard Heydrich, the Germans carried out a murderous rampage of murder and terror throughout Czechoslovakia. The small Czech village of Lidice bore the brunt of the German revenge, with the SS killing all the men, deported all women and children and razed the village to the ground.
Similarly, in March 1944, thirty-three German soldiers were killed when members of an Italian resistance group set off a bomb close to a column of German troops who were marching on via Rasella in Rome. Adolph Hitler got furious and ordered that within 24 hours, ten Italians were to be shot for each German soldier that had been killed. Herbert Kappler, the local German commander, quickly compiled a list of 320 civilians who were to be assassinated as vengeance. On March 24, the victims were transported to the Ardeatine caves where they were summarily executed by the SS.
Numerous other ‘pacification operations’ were carried out by the Nazi armies against civilians throughout Nazi-occupied Europe, in which men, women and children were brutally killed to avenge the death of German occupation soldiers by local resistance fighters.
Now what is the difference between these Nazi atrocities and what Israel, the “only democracy in the Middle East” is doing in the Gaza Strip, where “the most moral army in the world” is slaughtering babies as young as six-months’ old? I know that many Jews, especially Zionist Jews, have developed almost instinctive knee- jerk defensive reactions to any comparisons between Israel and Nazi Germany. However, the truth must be proclaimed aloud, irrespective of how many Zionists will get angry.
Israel claims that it doesn’t murder innocent civilians deliberately. But this is a big, obscene lie, of which even most Israelis are aware. Mistakes happen a few times, but when the wanton slaughter of children occurs each day and every day of the year, it means it is policy.
In addition, when the number of victims, especially innocent victims, as in Gaza, even intent itself becomes irrelevant.
In the final analysis, murdering knowingly is murdering deliberately, regardless of the prevarication and the verbal juggling.
Hence, Jews around the world, especially those who support Israel, should be willing to bring themselves to recognizing that what their wonderful state is doing to these helpless Palestinians is a virtual holocaust or at least a holocaust in the making.
How else can any honest person relate to these phantasmagoric images that keep coming from Gaza, haunting the conscience of every human being?
True, Israel had not introduced gas chambers in Beit Hanun and Khan Younis or Rafah. But we have F-16s raining down bombs and death on sleeping children and women and innocent civilians.
If Jews who support this satanic entity are not willing to call the spade a spade and recognize a holocaust as a holocaust, then they should be viewed as active accomplices in this wanton rampage of murder and terror.
This is not a war. Calling the current Israeli onslaught on Gaza a war is like fornicating with words. Wars occur between armies and states.
What is happening in Gaza is actually a merciless and brutal rampage of murder and terror waged by a Wehrmacht-like army against a blockaded, beleaguered and starved people who want to survive and be free, very much like Jews did under the Nazi occupation of Europe.
Indeed, when Israel murders a hundred Palestinian, mostly innocent civilians, for every Israeli killed, there is a name for that, it is massacre.
It is conscionable that honest people around the world, including many conscientious Jews who can’t bear watching the heinous crimes Israel is committing in their collective name, must call the spade a spade. A holocaust, after all, doesn’t become lesser when perpetrated by Jews. There is no such a thing as a kosher holocaust or kosher massacres.
Now, once again, human decency is being affronted and insulted by this reptile terrorist Matan Vilnai, Israel’s deputy defense minister, who has gone as far as threatening the thoroughly tormented Gazans with a holocaust.
Speaking to the Israeli army radio Friday morning, 29 February, Vilnai said “the more Qassam rockets fire intensifies and the rockets reach a longer range, the Palestinians will bring upon themselves a bigger holocaust because we will use all our power to defend ourselves.”
Well, if Israel thinks that carrying out a holocaust against its victims in Gaza and Rafah and Khan Younis can be justified, then why blame Hitler for effecting a holocaust against his own respective enemies? Is Vilnai vindicating the holocaust?
I think Jews should realize that this criminal state, with its manifestly intransigence and bellicosity, is forcing them to make a moral judgment. In the face of evil, and Israel is a clear embodiment of evil, one can’t be neutral. It is either one stands with evil or stands against it.
Today, people around the world, including millions of Jews, are watching the pornographic slaughter in Gaza live on their TV screens. And no amount of spin, lie, or hasbara will make the images of mutilated babies look innocuous.
Finally, the people of the world will not be duped by the propagandistic lies about so-called rocket attacks on Israeli towns, which are meant first and foremost to create an artificial equation between the wanton extermination of Gazans and the mainly psychological discomfort experienced by some Israeli citizens as a result of the fall of these nearly innocuous fire-crackers, fired by some desperate Gazans in order to deter Israel from killing more of their children.
This is because Israel knows very well how calm and peace can be restored for both the people of Gaza and Israelis across the border: Lift the criminal siege on Gaza, allow Gazans to access food and to travel, allow them to export and import, and stop these daily massacres. And then not a single Qassam will be fired onto Israel."
"Letter from Gaza: Sorry, Amjad, that we could do nothing to help you
Dear friends all over the world,
I’m calling on you in this moment while the Gaza Strip where I’m living is under attack by the Israeli occupation forces. They are showing no mercy; killing children, our beautiful youth and women. Sixty Palestinians were killed since Wednesday, the youngest of whom was six months old. Tens have been injured.
One of the people killed by an Israeli air strike was one of the PNGO staff in Gaza. Amjad Almrety was 26 years old. That young man was smiling all of the time, and was energetic and looking for the future with big dreams. There are no words to express our sad feelings towards our loss of Amjad, and of course the loss of all of the others.
Sorry, Amjad, that we could do nothing to help you. Our hands are cuffed with nothing to do except just carrying some hope that people who hold the value of justice will act to end the Israeli genocidal crimes against our people.
This morning another three children were killed while they were in their beds. What kind of crime did they commit, what kind of guilt did they possess, to be killed in such a way?
Our PNGO office was partially destroyed and also the Medical Relief Society Headquarters and its ambulance were destroyed as result of an Israeli air strike.
My children couldn’t go to school this morning; they couldn’t sleep all the night because of the continual air strikes. It has become too dangerous to move in the city of Gaza.
Israel is still imposing the siege and closure on the Gaza Strip, preventing people and goods to move. At least 105 patients have died suffering from a shortage of medicines while awaiting Israeli “permission” to gain access out of the Gaza Strip to be treated abroad since Gaza hospitals suffer from a shortage of basic medical supplies and medicines.
Israel continues to decrease the amount of fuel allowed to enter Gaza. Thousands of cars stopped moving in the Gaza Strip. And also due to the fuel cuts, four sewage pumping stations in Gaza City and the north of Gaza have flooded. The pumps failed because of the lack of fuel, and also due to a lack of parts to keep up with repairs as nothing is allowed in. The people of Gaza are also suffering from hours of electricity cuts.
All of this is in addition to the water situation. Israel is preventing chlorine from entering the Strip which is needed to treat the drinking water as the sewage and water mains are damaged.
People are loosing hope day by day. Eighty percent live under the line of poverty, with the full meaning and implications of such.
Please, it is time to act to end the silence towards these crimes. Say your words. Our people are building their only hope on your actions to end the siege and to bring back any semblance of hope to our lives.
Act for justice."
“We didn’t know what was happening”….. how many times have we all heard that in reference to the atrocities that occurred in Eastern Europe during the last ‘World War’? There was no internet in those days, hardly a soul had a TV in their home, it’s quite possible they did not know….
Today, there is no excuse. The facts are out there for all to see and hear…. but I still hear nothing but SILENCE…. silence that is killing off an entire nation…
Some are praying for peace….
Others are singing for peace….
But most are remaining silent….
Read the report below …. it might get you to DO SOMETHING!
"Shame on the Arabs, shame on the Muslims, shame on humanity
Comment by Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank
March 2, 2008
As Israel is fulfilling its threat to inflict a “greater holocaust” (greater than the German Holocaust) on the Palestinian people, the vast bulk of Arabs and Muslims, as well as the rest of the world, are looking on passively as the Judeo-Nazi state is having a free season on the helpless Palestinians.
This is not a matter of controversy and the facts are neither nebulous nor incomplete. You are all watching the slaughter show before your eyes, on you TV screens.
Yes, the scope of the massacres has not yet reached the Auschwitz proportions, but soon it will if you continue to play deaf and dumb as if the wanton slaughter is taking place on a different planet.
To the Arab masses and governments, I say shame on you. You are not worthy of being true descendants of Ali Ibn Abe Taleb, Abu Bakr al Siddique and Omar Ibn al-Khattab. You are the worst progeny of the best of mankind. Can’t you see your shame? Your ignominy is clarion, your apostasy is striking.
How could you continue to look yourselves in the mirror? Have you lost all your senses, all your sensibility, your honor, your humanity? How could you go on living normally while your brothers and sisters in Gaza are being slaughtered like helpless sheep at the hands of the Nazis of our time?
Shame on you, shame on your Petro-dollars! What good could there be in your billions or trillions when they can’t protect our crying women and children from the bayonets of the Judeo-Nazis? What good can there be in your hefty bank account when you can’t look Israel in the face?
Have you completely lost your dignity, your sense of honor and pride, even humanity? When will you stop kissing the hands of your child-killers?
Are you dead?
And to the Muslims? You babble endlessly about solidarity with the Palestinian people. But you are busy killing each other in Iraq and Pakistan and Lebanon while Jerusalem is being decapitated, very much like the children of Gaza.
You, too, are liars and hypocrites. You claim to be followers of the Prophet Muhammed who said a Muslim is a brother to every other Muslim. So why have you betrayed your Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine, leaving them at the mercy of the Nazis of our time? Why? Are you afraid of upsetting your perfidious rulers, the slaves of America? Are you worried about losing a day’s wage? Are you so addicted to the comfort and luxury of life that you can’t devote a day for the people of Palestine and al-Masjidul Aqsa.
You are more than 1.4 billion human beings living on a vast expanse of land extending from Indonesia in the east to Morocco in the West . How is it that you can’t do anything to help your Palestinian brothers who are facing the prospect of annihilation at the hands of Nazis of our time?
Yes, you, too, are responsible for the merciless murder of these innocent children in Gaza. What will you tell your maker when you meet Him on the Day of Judgment?
Shame on you for your silence, passivity and cowardice. You surely could do a lot to save the Palestinians from this ongoing genocide in Gaza.
Take to the streets wherever you are and make your voices heard. Let the Judeo-Nazis and their supporters feel your presence.
Try to pressure your respective governments to sever ties with Israel and her supporters. You can always do much more…if you have the will.
And a last word to the peoples of the world, if you think that the Judeo Nazis are only after the Palestinians, you are dead wrong. The Judeo Nazis are after world domination. They are after you freedoms, your resources, and your future. The Palestinians are only the first step, and then will come your turn.
So, wake up, speak up and make your voices heard, or they will control your life and enslave you as they have enslaved the United States and much of Western Europe.
Zionism is simply the Nazism of our time; it is a real cancer.
If you don’t defeat it, it will kill you."
"U.N. chief condemns Israel after bloody day in Gaza"
"The Islamist Hamas movement, which seized control of Gaza last June by routing Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's forces, vowed to maintain what it says is a self-defense strategy unless Israel agrees to end all military action."
"Dear Reuter's
Please check your facts before making such idiots of yourself.
HAMAS did not "seize" control. HAMAS won the Palestinian elections. Abbas is a puppet ruler imposed by Israel and the US. HAMAS is merely reacting as we ourselves would if, for example, Great Britain tried to insist that our ruler was Lord Somethingorother. We would shoot his Lordship in the ass (in fact we did, back in 1776)." -- Mike Rivero of What Really Happened
"Israel insists it has no choice but to kill Palestinians. Of course there is another choice. Israel could give back the land it stole and allow the Palestinians to have their own nation on their own soil.
All this misery and threat of war exists because Israel is never content with what it has, but always must have more, taking at away from its neighbors.
Look at the maps. It is Israel that is the aggressor nation." -- Mike Rivero of What Really Happened