Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Frontline, Part II

I really couldn't take it anymore, not when the narrator kept saying the U.S. wanted to leave.

So right from the start of the program, when some military guy said we had no plan to invade Afghanistan (if you read the blogs, you would know that is a lie) to the "we wanted to leave" crap.

The whole thing was an exercise in propaganda, folks.

It was a cover story about the inside baseball of the invasion, and I am not buying it.

Nothing but a limited hangout, but even the censored version lets you see how much of a band of war criminals these guys are!

None of them are absolved, not even Powell.

I say that because they mentioned the flattening of Fallujah as a victory for the U.S., but they didn't mention the U.S.' use of
chemical weapons.

By the way, did the program ever talk to Scott Ritter or mention
AIPAC, a "Clean Break" or the Project for the New American Century?

No, they interviewed Mike Gordon and Liz Bumiller instead.

I noticed Liz said she got a leak at one point.