Sunday, March 9, 2008

Burying Clinton's Pardons

While they savage Obama on page one, they bury this in the lower half of page A6:

"Data on Clinton pardons withheld"

"by Associated Press | March 8, 2008

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - The Clinton Presidential Library has withheld more than 1,000 pages about clemency the former president granted during his final days in office - including a pardon to fugitive financier Marc Rich - from a batch of documents recently released to the public....

The library withheld 1,114 pages that archivists said would disclose confidential discussions of advice the former president received from advisers or would violate someone's privacy....

But they are PUBLIC RECORDS!!

WE PAYED FOR THEM, and it is (allegedly) a government OF, BY and FOR the PEOPLE!!! It is OUR RIGHT to see them!!

He was WORKING FOR US (allegedly).

And with the warrantless spying going on, WhereTF is OUR PRIVACY, asshole shitter?!

On his last day in office, President Clinton granted 140 pardons and 36 commutations, many of them controversial. The documents released include dozens of letters Clinton and his advisers received in the months before he left office advocating pardons for Rich and others. Rich had fled the country after being indicted for tax evasion. His wife, Denise, had contributed $450,000 to the Clinton library and more than $1.1 million to the Democratic Party.

In a Dec. 6, 2000, letter, Denise Rich pleaded with Clinton, "as a friend and admirer," to pardon her husband. "You have the power in this matter not just to show mercy, but to do justice."

Oh, like the fat-fuck child-killer showed mercy at Waco?

Oklahoma City (about 16 minutes in, run time 30 mins)?

World Trade Center?