Monday, February 18, 2008

McConnell the Bullshit Chief

And it is ZIONIST SHIT he is HUCKING!!!!!!!

CUI BONO, readers?

"Internal strife faulted in Hezbollah killing"

"by Hope Yen, Associated Press | February 18, 2008

WASHINGTON - The US intelligence chief said yesterday that internal Hezbollah groups or Syria might be to blame for the killing of a Hezbollah commander that has led the FBI to put domestic terror squads on alert in the United States.

Ummmmm, yeah, right.

See: U.S. Readies False-Flag Attack to Blame Hezbollah


That's the Zionist-controlled AmeriKan MSM for you!

And what a FLAT-OUT SHIT LIAR McConnell is!!!!!!!!!

Mike McConnell, the director of National Intelligence, said the United States is still reviewing the case following the death last Tuesday of commander Imad Mughniyeh. Hezbollah blamed Israel and has pledged to attack Jewish targets worldwide in retaliation. That led the FBI last week to be vigilant for possible threats in the United States against synagogues and other potential Jewish targets.

Carried out by someone like THIS GUY?

"Mr. Ivanov is himself Jewish. The revelation was the latest twist in a bizarre story that features a man who... was born in Sicily and raised in Bulgaria, and that he had been trained by Israel’s intelligence agency, Mossad."

McConnell said he considers the threat to be primarily against Israel. But he said US intelligence officials are keeping close watch and taking any necessary action to protect the United States because Mughniyeh has been "responsible for more deaths of Americans and Israelis than any other terrorist with the exception of Osama bin Laden."

And both totals are FINALS!

"It is a serious threat," McConnell said. "There's some evidence that it may have been internal Hezbollah. It may have been Syria. We don't know yet, and we're trying to sort that out."


McConnell sure has a talent, doesn't he?

McConnell expressed hope that today's parliamentary elections in Pakistan will help produce a stable, democratic government. The elections are considered crucial to restoring democracy after eight years of military rule under President Pervez Musharraf....

Not likely, shit-spewer!!!

Considered crucial by whom, a shit MSM?

"The whole effort in our work with Pakistan, negotiations back and forth, is to see these elections be fair and free, hopefully to return them and put them on the path to democracy," McConnell said.

But in AmeriKa, who gis a shit, right?

  • Reiterated his belief that the United States is at increased danger of a terrorist attack and "it will increase more and more as time goes on" because Congress did not quickly renew an eavesdropping law that expired at midnight Saturday. The Bush administration wants the House to approve a Senate bill that would in part have provided legal protections for telecommunications companies that helped the government wiretap US computer and phone lines after the Sept. 11 attacks without approval first from a secret court.

  • And how about that AmeriKan MSM
    LYING AGAIN and AGAIN, huh?

    I mean, Bush's Wiretapping Began BEFORE 9/11!! and the New York Times Admits Bush Administration Spying Began in December of 2000... BEFORE TAKING OFFICE!

    So WTF?

    McConnell said yesterday that without the legal protections, telecommunications companies are now unlikely to cooperate with the government in tracking suspected terrorists, and "we cannot do this mission without help and support from the private sector...."

    More BULLSHIT from McConnell!!!

    on NPR:

    Well, Renee it's a very complex issue. It's true that some of the authorities would carry over to the period they were established for one year. That would put us into the August, September time-frame. However, that's not the real issue. The issue is liability protection for the private sector."

    THAT'S what he cares about!!!

    This isn't about "terrorists" or "terrorism!"

    This is about COVERING UP BUSH'S CRIMES!!!!!!!!!

  • Said intelligence officials have not located a terrorist cell inside the United States "that is directly associated with Al Qaeda," but that Al Qaeda remains viable because it has leadership, maintains a haven in Pakistan, and is recruiting and training. Still, McConnell said Al Qaeda
    is not as dangerous as it was before Sept. 11, 2001.

    McConnell spoke on "Fox News Sunday.

  • Why wait until the end of the piece to tell us he was on Faux News?

    Usually they put that in the first paragraph or two with his name.

    "Domestic threats called a greater danger to US"

    Make up your fucking mind, will ya?

    I agree with the statement, except the threat is McConnell and his bullshit-spewing, mass-murdering boss!!!!

    "by Associated Press | February 18, 2008

    When it comes to fears about a terrorist attack, people in the United States usually focus on Osama bin Laden and foreign-based radical groups. Yet researchers say domestic extremists who commit violence in the name of their cause - abortion or the environment, for example - account for most of the damage from such incidents in this country.

    Yup, "Al-CIA-Duh" To Nuke U.S. Soon

    To be BLAMED on Americans, no doubt!!

    These home-grown groups are seven times more likely than overseas groups to commit some kind of violence in the United States, a panel reported yesterday in Boston at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.


    This is a "scientific" study?

    See how they BUILD the LIES for the IMPOSITION of TOTALITARIANISM, 'murkns?!

    Better WAKE the FUCK UP and QUIT EATING SHIT!!!!

    In many ways, actions by these domestic extremists can be termed "terrorist" cases, the researchers indicated. "The typical 'terrorist' is an alienated guy, usually a young male," said Brian Forst of American University in Washington.


    Sounds like a PERFECT DESCRIPTION of George W. Bush!!!!!!!!

    "They take comfort in like-minded souls and develop an idea they think will make a splash," he said. They do not always carry it out, but sometimes they do, he said. "They are not lunatics."

    More research is needed into these domestic extremists and what leads them to commit violence, said Gary LaFree of the National Center for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism in College Park, Md.

    It is usually FBI INFORMANTS and AGENT PROVOCATEURS that do it!

    That is what Kelly R. Damphousse of the University of Oklahoma has been working on - where the extremists live and work, where they meet and build their weapons, and where and when they strike.

    Oh, really?

    Have you talked to Bill Clinton, my dear?

    Oklahoma City (about 16 minutes in, run time 30 mins)

    Damphousse said right-wing extremists spend the most time meeting, preparing, and planning before committing a violent act - some 480 "events," whether that is a phone call or some other form of plotting.

    Oh, like McVeigh?

    Oklahoma City (about 16 minutes in, run time 30 mins)

    On a smaller scale are environmental activists who commit violence. On average, it is 59 preparatory activities, he said.

    I'll see you in the FEMA camp cell, stoo-pid lefty!!!!!

    "Environmentalists don't need much. They need a spray can. They need a match. They don't have to build a bomb," Damphousse said. Often, he said, they are simply frustrated by the political process and decide "let's go do something."

    Environmentalism = Terrorism.

    Don't cry to me, lefty, until you GET ON BOARD the 9/11 Truth Train!!!!

    While some domestic extremists travel long distances, most strike within 30 miles of where they live, Damphousse said. Environmental extremists tend to strike within 10 miles of home."

    So Bush and his fascista "protectors" will just have to go through EVERY COMMUNITY!!!!

    WAKE the FUCK UP, shitter lefties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So what do you call a lying, mass-murdering, war-criminal president?