Friday, February 29, 2008

Don't Go in the Lake

Bush motto: All money for wars, no money for anything else!

"Care of Great Lakes largely local burden"

"Local governments devote about $15 billion annually on Great Lakes environmental programs, and the US and Canadian governments aren't paying their fair share, says a report released Wednesday.

The national governments need to step up and invest more in protecting and restoring the world's largest surface freshwater system from sewage overflows, invasive species, toxic pollution, and other problems, the report says....

Bush's proposed fiscal 2009 budget would cut spending for Great Lakes water quality by 16 percent from this year. It also would reduce by nearly one-fifth the region's federal allocation for upgrading sewer systems. Nationwide, federal wastewater treatment assistance has fallen by nearly half since 2004.

Hey, why should Bush care if Americans have to drink shit water?