Who knows who who is?
I'm just one lone American trying to figure things out.
"The Bollyn Question"
"In the ongoing attempt to sort-out the secret Z-men working within the 911 Truth movement to create havoc and lead all trails away from the Israeli connection, I give you the following.
It is pretty obvious from Bollyn's article that his purpose for writing it is to blame Bush for having Prof. Steven Jones branded as an anti-Semite, in order to get him fired. Jones' work on thermite and microscopic evidence of beads of steel formed from droplets of molten metal is the irrefutable proof that kerosene-based aircraft fuel did not pulverize those buildings.
Recent postings about Alex Jones "debunking" the Israeli connection to the attacks, and now this by Bollyn confirm the charges made by Hufschmid and Smith, concerning Zio-agents within the movement. It seems that Smith was right about Bollyn being messed-up and Hufschmid was correct about Alex Jones."
There are Globalists who are not Zionists, there are Zionists who are not Globalists and there are Globalists who are Zionists.
They key factor for me is how the Zionists control AmeriKan foreign policy and MSM.
That to me speaks volumes about the deeper control of the U.S., and in fact the government is infiltrated with Israel-first traitors.
They have also bought off the Congress.
The pursuit of the policies between Zionists and Globalists overlap.
Certainly the economic control and Unionization of the planet is more corporate-driven, and the military agenda greatly benefits war-makers; however, it the Zionist brainwashing of American society is inescapable.
So YOU MAKE UP YOUR OWN MINDS, readers. I post the information.
YOU TRULY DECIDE on this blog.
You can read my commentaries and reject them if you desire.
But the articles and documentations are there.
MAKE up your OWN MINDS, readers!
All I can do is help provide information and points of view.