Friday, February 22, 2008

Cooked Clintons

If the AmeriKan MSM says it, then it must be true...

"Rivals step up war over 'words'"

"by Susan Milligan, Globe Staff | February 22, 2008

Hillary Clinton, fighting to revive her flagging presidential bid, last night accused Democratic rival Barack Obama of borrowing the words of others to conduct a campaign she characterized as long on rhetoric and short on specifics.

"If your candidacy is going to be about words, then they should be your own words," Clinton said at a debate at the University of Texas at Austin, referring to Obama's acknowledged use of speech lines by his friend and adviser, Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts.

"And, you know, lifting whole passages from someone else's speeches is not change you can believe in; it's change you can Xerox," Clinton said, referring to one of Obama's campaign slogans and drawing boos from some in the audience while Obama shook his head....

Yeah, nobody liked that and NOBODY LIKES THEM ANYMORE, either!!!!

By the way, I didn't watch a minute of the "debate."

I don't watch MSM news anymore because it is all a bunch of STAGED and SCRIPTED BULLSHIT!!!!

The exchange - occurring after nearly an hour of civil discussion during which both candidates praised each other and refrained from personal attacks - underscored the dynamics of the race, with Clinton emphasizing the specifics of her policy proposals and Obama insisting he could build the coalitions needed to make the changes both Democrats want....

Then WTF was the New York Times watching?

"Debate Takes On Contentious Air"

WTF, readers?


The New York Times LIES about EVERYTHING, readers!!!


Clinton passed up a chance to say directly what she has said in speeches this week - that Obama is unprepared to be commander in chief.

Neither is she!!!!

"I want you to think, 'Who do you want to have in the White House answering the phone at 3 o'clock in the morning when some crisis breaks out around the world?' " Clinton asked at a rally in downtown Laredo yesterday.

NOT SOMEONE WHO VOTED FOR THE IRAQ WARM, that's for god-damn sure, Ms. Hitlery!!!!!!!!

Which means NOT YOU!!!!!!!

On the debate stage, Clinton talked instead about her experience as a first lady traveling the world....


So Jenna and Barbara Bush are now qualified to be president, too!

On Cuba, the candidates sparred lightly, with Clinton saying she would not meet with Fidel Castro's successor until the Cuban government had shown it had made certain progress in human rights and other areas of democracy. "I would not meet with him until there was evidence that change was happening," Clinton said.

Translation: A Hitlery Clinton presidency would be an EXTENSION of BUSH!!!!!!!!


Obama said he would meet without those preconditions, though he said he would not agree to a meeting without sufficient "preparation."

"We should never negotiate out of fear, but we should never fear to negotiate," Obama said, crediting President Kennedy for first uttering the line.

Oh, PLAGIARIZING again, 'eh, black man?

Is there some subtle racism going on in the coverage of this story, readers?


Reader, now why was the next section not in my paper?

Proves my charge of Globe racism even more!!!

At the end of the debate, when the candidates were asked to describe a moment of crisis, Obama recalled his youth, when he was raised by a single mother after his father left the family. "There were rocky periods during my youth, when I made mistakes and was off course," Obama said, in an apparent reference to his acknowledged drug use as a teenager.

The realization that he needed to take responsibility for his actions and that he could bring people together to make change, he said, led him to his career as a community organizer and civil rights lawyer.

Clinton, answering the same question, described a wrenching scene at a military medical center in San Antonio, watching a soldier whose face was disfigured from a bomb blast speak on behalf of the amputees being treated at the facility. "You know, the hits I've taken in life are nothing compared to what goes on every single day in the lives of people across our country," Clinton said, her voice softening with emotion.

"And I resolved at a very young age that I'd been blessed and that I was called by my faith and by my upbringing to do what I could to give others the same opportunities and blessings that I took for granted," she added. "That's what gets me up in the morning. That's what motivates me in this campaign."

Oh, but this article wasn't written and edited with a pro-Clinton bias, huh?

Good God, readers, I think I'm going to be sick!!!!

And why did the Globe replace this with that, readers?

Could it have to do with the Zionists choice and CONTROL of the AmeriKan MSM?

The two candidates will have one more debate, Tuesday in Cleveland, before the March 4 primaries, which include Rhode Island and Vermont.

Clinton had long been favored in both Texas, where her popularity among Latinos is a strength, and in Ohio, with her backing from blue-collar voters.

But Obama has been steadily chipping away at Clinton's support among those voter groups. He narrowly won Latino voters in Virginia earlier this month, and captured a majority of lower-income voters in Wisconsin. ABC News/Washington Post polls released yesterday suggested that Clinton and Obama are virtually tied in Texas, 48 percent to 47 percent, and that Clinton has a 50-to-43 percent lead in Ohio.

Even if Clinton does win both states, the delegate allocation is likely to be fairly even, unless she wins those primaries overwhelmingly."

Those machine states?

And why would the Globe want to remove those paragraphs from the web article, readers?

Of course, you know by now I purchased a Globe with my local today.

When I write about politics, you know I bought a paper, readers.

I will NEVER LIE TO YOU -- unlike AmeriKa's Zionist-controlled MSM!!!!

So, how was the debate, anyway?

"N.Y. senator's rhetoric fails to shift the balance"

"by Peter S. Canellos, Globe Staff | February 22, 2008

AUSTIN, Texas - .... While Obama was dialing down, [Clinton] raised the volume a bit. Her tone of voice - which can tend toward the monotonous - rose with passion when talking about healthcare and drooped with sorrow when discussing the failures of the Bush administration.

Fuck her and her god-damn manipulating!!!!!

And need I remind you, readers, but she was FOR all the FAILURES!!!!

She even added a new hand gesture, cupping her hands and reaching out to the crowd.

I'd spit in it!!!!

Having lost 11 straight contests, Clinton needed to do something powerful last night to change the dynamic of the race - a new line of attack, a deeper personal connection with voters, a dramatic new policy proposal.

Hard for an icy witch to bond with deep, personal connections.

We are not buying the crying!

But while Clinton did nothing to hurt her chances, she failed to deliver any such game-changing moment....

Yup, it's fourth down Hitlery -- better punt!

Obama also beat Clinton to the punch in declaring that the economy is "in shambles" and calling for firm action to combat job losses and home foreclosures.


She followed with her own emotional evocation of the struggles of voters she has met, and her own, slightly more detailed, plan to prevent home losses.

But on an issue as important as the economy, a tie goes to the front-runner. And Clinton is no longer the front-runner.

That new reality of the presidential race was evident throughout the debate, from Obama's low-key opening statement to Clinton's emotional conclusion - a more scripted effort to summon the kind of feelings that emerged when she choked up in a New Hampshire diner, shattering her overly groomed image.


How could anyone believe these liars anymore?

But it is now apparent that Clinton's early inability to define her candidacy - through constantly changing themes and slogans - deprived her of a positive message, a reason for people to stand up and cheer her.

I would never have done that anyway!

When she finally settled on the theme of readiness and experience, it merely established her as a foil to Obama - the skillful sparring partner against which the talented newcomer gets to show off his stuff.

The great campaigners fucked up?

If that newcomer succeeds in beating the old pro in the big states of Texas and Ohio, which will vote in less than two weeks, there will be little hope left for Hillary Clinton.


The race is now Barack Obama's to lose."

Or to be stolen from him by machines and a compliant and complicit MSM!!!

Except, if Canellos says it, it must be true, right?

Memory Hole: Thanksgiving Day Travesty

MSM Media Diverts American Public and Presidential Campaign

Story Iraq: Unquestioned Unreality

The Boston Globe Insults Iowans

The Bhutto Effect

Bush's SOU: Legacy

The Bush Family Man