Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Bullshitter-in-Chief

Before reading yesterday's shovelful, please see:

Bush's Wiretapping Began BEFORE 9/11!!

New York Times Admits Bush Administration Spying Began in December of 2000... BEFORE TAKING OFFICE!

You are primed now, readers.


"Bush pushes House to OK intelligence bill"

"by Deb Riechmann, Associated Press | February 24, 2008

WASHINGTON - House Democratic leaders came under criticism yesterday from President Bush, who said they are blocking intelligence legislation so lawyers can sue telephone companies for helping the government eavesdrop on suspected terrorists.

Terrorists are plotting attacks "at this very moment," Bush said yesterday in his weekly radio address. He again urged the House to act on Senate-passed legislation needed to renew the intelligence law that expired last weekend.


The Senate bill provides retroactive protection for telecommunications companies that wiretapped US phone and computer lines at the government's request, but without the permission of a secret court created 30 years ago to oversee such activities. The House version does not provide such immunity against lawsuits.

The Justice Department and Office of National Intelligence said yesterday that telecommunication companies are now complying with existing surveillance warrants. The agencies' statement reversed their declaration late Friday that some companies had refused to initiate wiretaps against people covered by orders issued under the expired law.

Translation: The White House LIED ABOUT the DANGER!!!

See: White House Lied About Lost Intel and Telecoms

The statement said new surveillance activities under existing warrants will resume "for now," but that the delay "impaired our ability to cover foreign intelligence targets, which resulted in missed intelligence information."

The statement also said companies may resist orders in the future if Congress does not pass a law with retroactive immunity.

National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell predicted last week that the government's surveillance of terrorists would be harmed if the law were allowed to expire. He and Attorney General Michael Mukasey said that prediction had come true.

Later Friday, the companies - which administration officials refused to name - reversed their opposition to expanding existing orders to cover new surveillance activities....

What SHIT!!!

I'm so tired of this administration and its GOD-DAMN LYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now look at what this fucker said:

Bush, in his radio address:

"When Congress reconvenes on Monday, members of the House have a choice to make: They can empower the trial bar, or they can empower the intelligence community. They can help class-action trial lawyers sue for billions of dollars, or they can help our intelligence officials protect millions of lives."

Oh, so it is MILLIONS NOW?

WTF does HE KNOW that WE DON'T, readers?


"Al-CIA-Duh" To Nuke U.S. Soon

To be BLAMED on Americans, no doubt!!

Bush has promised to veto any bill that does not protect the companies from suits that allege violations of privacy and wiretapping laws under the warrantless wiretapping program.

Translation: Bush will SACRIFICE US for his precious telecom immunity!!


Well, if anything ever happens again, the fault will be ALL YOURS, asshole liar!!!!!!!

The president said: "It is unfair and unjust to threaten these companies with financial ruin only because they are believed to have done the right thing and helped their country."


Hey, shit-fuck shitter, if they don't do anything illegal, what they got to worry about?

I'm SICK and TIRED of this LYING FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!