Saturday, November 3, 2007

Story Iraq: Imminent Invasion

One guess who and where:

"Pressed by Turks, Rice Seeks to Solve Kurdish Rebel Threat While Urging Restraint" by HELENE COOPER and SABRINA TAVERNISE

ANKARA, Turkey, Nov. 2 — Turkey is a NATO member and a strong American ally in a troubled region, so a military offensive into Iraq —whose territory is controlled by the United States military — could be deeply problematic for all parties.

Not up there in Kurdistan! That's controlled by peshmerga!

And it is problematic except for one group:
AIPAC/Clean Break/PNAC

Ilter Turan, a professor of political science at Bilgi University in Istanbul:

The Americans are not being concrete, and that is narrowing down the field of maneuver for the government. [The political opposition is fanning nationalism, and with trust in the United States at a low in Turkish society, it is difficult for the Turkish government to appear that it is trusting the Americans without some concrete results.”

No one trusts us anymore, and for good reason!!

The Kurdish rebel situation “has now become, rightly or wrongly, a test of where the United States holds Turkey,” said Soli Ozel, a professor of international relations at Bilgi University.

Ms. Rice delicately referred to the Armenian issue on Friday as “the events of 1915."

WTF? Why did she even bring it up?

Even within the Bush administration, there has been criticism that the United States, in more than four years in Iraq, should have done more to rein in the Kurdish guerrillas.

O.K., then shut down P.J.A.K.?!!!

Bush administration officials are in the middle of a delicate balancing act, strenuously trying to avoid a new front in the war.


AIPAC/Clean Break/PNAC

So when Erdogan gets here, Bush will give him the go-ahead!

Rice, speaking to reporters on her flight to Ankara, said pointedly that Turkey’s problems with the Kurds could not all be laid at America’s door:

This didn’t arise with the liberation of Iraq. The problem has been there, and no one has been able to deal with it. And so now at least we have an Iraqi government that wants to deal with it.”

Oh, she is something else, isn't she?

Yeah, NOTHING is ever their fault!!!!

One reason the problem is there, of course, is

And NOW you have an Iraqi government who wants to deal with Kurdish "terrorists?"

I guess those WMD charges against Saddam were for fart mists, huh?

She is an unbelievably, incredibly idiotic War Princess.

No wonder we are in such trouble around the world!

Administration officials said that the American military had collected a list of P.K.K. guerrillas and issued orders for American forces to pick them up if they encounter them in Iraq. Beyond that, American spy planes will also feed intelligence to Turkish forces on P.K.K. movements in northern Iraq, administration officials said."

Hey, the Turks are going to join us at the table for a bowl of shit!!!!!

Hi, Turks!
