Friday, November 2, 2007

John Kerry's Religion

How come there is no mention of Skull and Bones?

Senator Kerry says religion has place in politics

"Senator John F. Kerry defended the place of religious discussion in American political life yesterday, even as the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee decried the "unitary assertion of rectitude by certain Christian figures" and the "exploitation of religion" he said played a role in his loss to President Bush, who garnered disproportionate support from the most devout voters.

Kerry, at a discussion hosted by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life: "The presidency is largely about character."

Yeah, never mind policies!

DemocraP, Repuglican, they are all the AIPAC-directed same!

I guess that's why you lost, huh, John?


Kerry traced his religious background to John Winthrop, an ancestor who first used the term "city on a hill" as an early Puritan settler of 17th-century New England. Kerry's father was Catholic and his mother Protestant, but she converted and guided Kerry in his faith.

As a teenage altar boy, he said, he was "unbelievably immersed in my religion" and as a soldier in Vietnam discovered a "necessary and immediate" version of it: "Protect me, and I'll be good," he joked."


And our men and woman over in Iraq?

Is that a "joke" too, senator?

And how does the Satanic Order of Death, Skull and Bones, fit in to his "religion," readers?