Saturday, November 17, 2007

Bridge Letters

Response regarding the great ladies who played cards.

Also see:
Bridgers Against Bush

"The Bridge Champs Who Did Not Vote for Bush"

To the Editor:

Re “Display of Anti-Bush Sign Has Competitive Bridge World in an Uproar” (Arts pages, Nov. 14):

The entire country should rise up in disgust at the cowardly effort by the United States Bridge Federation to impose sanctions against players who expressed their political opinions at a tournament in Shanghai last month, holding up a sign that read, “We did not vote for Bush.”

Since when has it been un-American to protest the actions of a government dangerously out of control? Since when has any American been obligated not to make people uncomfortable?

Oh, since about
September 11, 2001 I'd say, huh?

All Americans should be proud of these brave women. They were actually defending, not attacking, our country and its values.

I am proud of them. I love them!!

Their actions stand in marked contrast to the cowardice of our Congress, which cannot muster the courage to stand up to President Bush.

The United States Bridge Federation should be ashamed of itself.

Victor A. Altshul
New Haven, Nov. 14, 2007•

To the Editor:

You quote Robert S. Wolff, an executive of several bridge organizations, as saying, “While I believe in the right to free speech, to me that doesn’t give anyone the right to criticize one’s leader at a foreign venue in a totally nonpolitical event.”

Excuse me? Free speech means that I reserve the right to criticize my government wherever and whenever I choose. No less.

Yeah, they'll be getting rid of any pretense to that amendment soon.

That's what martial law U.S.A. is all about!

Mr. Wolff, our soldiers are dying every day to spread democracy. Dissent is not treason; it is the very essence of democracy.

Michael Owen Campbell
Portland, Ore., Nov. 14, 2007•

Dissent is IMPERATIVE now, sir.

To SUPPORT the TROOPS, who are being abused by this administration and it's lying wars!

To the Editor:

A member of the American Contract Bridge League myself, I support the decision of the United States Bridge Federation to take action (as debatable as the specifics might be) against the American women for their anti-Bush sign at the recent world championships.

Teams represent the people, not the governments, of their countries, and what goes on at an event should be about the contest, not about national politics. Do you want to see the British team hold up an “I’m glad Tony’s gone!” sign, or the Pakistani team proclaim, “We like Bhutto!”? I think not.

I wouldn't care what they did!

James W. Voelz
Des Peres, Mo., Nov. 14, 2007"

So governments don't represent the people, huh, James?

I guess America is no longer a democracy then, huh?

Which means that asshole, that lying, law-breaking, mass-murdering, genocidal maniac sitting in the Oval Office doesn't represent me, huh?


Because that lying, law-breaking, mass-murdering, genocidal asshole in NO WAY REPRESENTS me or the American people.

But there is a politician who does, and his name is
Ron Paul!