Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Afghanistan's Saviors

The trophy would have to go to the Taliban, I guess:

"NATO Faces Accusations" by Reuters

NATO forces may be breaching their own operating rules by handing detainees to Afghan security services despite reports that they torture their prisoners, the human rights group Amnesty International said. The fact that reports of torture and mistreatment are now widely circulated makes the NATO-led force complicit when ithands over detainees, the group said. “Such transfers should be suspended until effective safeguards are in place,” said Claudio Cordone, the group’s senior research director."

You know, that may not be such a good idea, either.

Hell-oween: Afghanistan Torture File/The First Abu...

Hell-oween: Afghanistan Torture File/Perversion

Hell-oween: Afghanistan Torture File/Dilawar and H...

Hell-oween: Afghanistan Torture File/Chamber of Ho...

Hell-oween: Afghanistan Torture File/American Amne...

Hell-oween: Afghanistan Torture File/Bagram

How about letting them all go, instead?

After all, 9/11 was an inside job, so they have NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO US!!!

So why we locking them up and torturing them, huh?