Here they are:
Sunday NY Post Blacks Out Ron Paul
That's not surprising at all, is it, readers?
They are clearly AFRAID of Dr. Ron!
Here are the results of the Fox text poll after the rigged debate:
"Fox news TV and radio star Sean Hannity once again contradicted a clear victory by presidential candidate Ron Paul of Fox’s own post-debate poll in the aftermath of Sunday night’s Fox-sponsored GOP presidential debate. The post-debate poll showed that Ron Paul won with 34 percent of the viewer vote.
At one point, with the poll showing Ron Paul winning the informal “cell phone” poll, Hannity burst out with a definitive statement, “Ron Paul did not win the debate tonight,” even though the poll showed that he was winning by a wide margin. Hannity also said bluntly that Ron Paul were “stacking” the poll.
[That's not possible, Hannity, you lying shitbag!!]
Ron Paul also indicated, during the same post-debate TV interview that the reason he was not scoring well in polling was because the pollers were not “including” him."
Imagine my shock!
Here are some reviews of the debate and coverage.
Enjoy, readers!
"Free Republic LOSER lied his way into Fox News focus group to bash Ron Paul
Seriously, it's astoundingly ludicrous that some people would be so dishonest as to social engineer their way, in order to attack Ron Paul. This is desperation. They are mental midgets.
A Fred Thompson supporter lied by listing himself as "undecided" to gain admittance to be seated for Fox News Channel focus group.
Note the overweight guy in the black shirt blubbering about Ron Paul being mentally unstable.
Urban dictionary: "freeper"
The dirt:
My Night At The Orlando Fox News Presidential Debate
Myself | 10-22-2007 | my favorite headache
Posted on 10/21/2007 11:38:01 PM PDT by My Favorite Headache
I am going to post just a small review of my night with 23 Republicans at the Fox News Orlando Republican Presidential Debate.
Luntz was angry early on before camera's went live when he polled the group to make sure everyone there was undecided. A 21 yr old guy raised his hand and said he was supporting Ron Paul. Luntz absolutely lost it on this kid and said "Why in the hell did you not put that on your questionaire that was e-mailed to you? Why does it not shock me that a Ron Paul supporter would pull this kind of crap?"
Frank Luntz's bias is so transparent it's breathtaking. He clearly holds contempt towards Ron Paul, with poisonous hate. What a tool.
"If someone else shows up you are being replaced and out of here...this room is for undecided."
I was originally placed in the second row towards the end of the row next to a man named Fred Hawkins Jr. who is running for Osceola County Commissioner. Luntz asked us a bunch of questions with a camera crew and producers in tow behind him and I was the first to answer. I was the first person to use the word "socialism" and it spread like wild fire.
I said the concept of America voting a socialist like Hillary Clinton as President should be motivation enough for Republicans to get their act together. I reminded Luntz of the Hillary quote saying "This is the same woman who is quoted by the San Francisco Chronicle saying "We will have to take things away for the common good." Luntz had this smirk on his face and he knew I handed him gold.
After 3 segments it was time to go live. By the time you saw what you did at home we had already gone through 3 rounds of questions and I was lighting up the joint with what I call the biggest crisis this campaign.
What do any of these men who are running for President plan on doing to combat the extreme hatred of anyone who is a Republican by the mainstream media and how bad the liberal blogs, Soros, and just about everyone who has some sort of journalistic power slimes Republicans on a daily basis. Who is going to have the spine to stand up to it and how do they plan on doing it when the Bush Administration has been knocked out time and time again with no fight.
Luntz definitely told us through his polling and research that as of today Hillary Clinton will win in a landslide. He was putting all of his money on her. I said you are going to go broke. He said Republicans are too disorganized and the focus group proved that.
I said not it does not. I said if you want to see motivation and organization? Put Hillary Clinton against any Republican and you will see Republicans vote like you have never seen before, the alternative is too grave. Whether we can stand it or not Republicans will do everything in their power to elect anyone else but Clinton.
You saw my exchange later on saying we have long memories and do not want to live through that hell again.
The Ron Paul comment I made was simple and sweet and every single person except the Ron Paul supporter all said "perfect" with regards to that remark.
Luntz walks over and says "you are are going down to the front row...keep talking."
We taped about 70 mins worth of discussion. More clips will be aired at 6:20 AM on Fox and Friends First and then 8:20 AM on Fox and Friends. Then more clips from the debate will be aired on tomorrow's Hannity and Colmes as well from 9-10.
I am sure this is when you will see how hardcore it got in there.
I called out the room at the end of it all..when I saw how many people put their hands up that Rudy was the only one who could beat Hillary I said "I am really saddened to see how many people think he is their answer. That is very telling that the fire that was there earlier tonight for all of us agreeing that we want a true Conservative is gone already and that makes me sick as a true Conservative."
Holy sh*t, how dumb can this guy be? What a friggin' idiot!
To me the top winners tonight were Romney, Huckabee, Thompson, and blech...I hate to say this but Rudy. His night was not that bad but he certainly is not my top choice for President.
I called for a thining of the herd. Paul, Tancredo, and Hunter need to go. They virtually played zero in the room. It was sad because I really like Tom and Duncan and said that if a Republican wins the White House in 2008 they should all be given cabinet posts ASAP.
Except Paul...which who by the end of the night lost his one supporter...the 21 yr old guy who didn't raise his hand when asked if anyone supported him.
Finally...Luntz. A nice guy but can be insulting. When he compared a moderate conservative to a major serious conservative he wanted a show of hands...then he added "When I say major serious conservative I mean you can hear the German Nazi marching bands and get excited", I then said to him "There it is..exactly what I was talking about." Luntz said "Relax I was only joking." I said "I know you were and it is that kind of talk that I am absolutely disgusted by and sick of...sick of it Frank...enough is enough with the nazi conservative comparisons people have got to speak up for conservatives...true conservatives."
That in a short capsule is it. Met some really nice people and we had a discussion at the end of everything and went our own ways.
I thank Luntz for letting me say whatever I wanted to on camera and speak up for Conservatives and letting me call Ron Paul out on global television.
This is disgusting. The man who bash Ron Paul is the ultimate hypocrite who practices deception to push his way into the room to air his repugnant views as if he's a "real" conservative speaking for "real conservatives".
Council on Foreign Relations, anyone?
The man's a slimeball asshole -- clearly not a good conservative but belonging to the club of the most corrupt and contemptible Grand Old Party that lies, rapes, pillages and plunders to get what it wants, truth and justice be damned.
Fox News Channel control room people clearly loved this idiot, who went on to brag about his delivering Soviet-style propaganda on the Internet -- "Free Republic" of all places. Funny in unintentional irony."
[Oh, so it WAS a RIGGED CROWD and DEBATE, huh?
Well, I must have gotten jaded, because I'm not stunned at all, readers?
In fact, I'm starting to see right through this shit - literally!
An analysis of Fox News Channel's vehement animosity towards Ron Paul
Supplemental to Why America is being turned into Idiocracy
And here I was, beginning to have hope for the mainstream media. In the last few Republican debates, it almost seemed that Dr. Ron Paul was almost getting a fair shake. Perhaps that perception stemmed from the fact that many of the more recent debates were missed by the "first-tier", or perhaps it was because Fox News is far more shameless and less subtle than the other networks. Either way, after tonight's debate in Florida, one thing is now clear. The authoritarian media establishment no longer views Paul as a farcical side-show; rather, he's now a serious threat, and to be marginalized as such.
The marginalization began early, before the debate had even started. Frank Luntz, the noted Republican political pollster and operative who has so mastered the art of ideological manipulation that he was featured in the PBS Frontline documentary The Persuaders, was tapped to "moderate" a focus group of twenty-five preselected people (the methodology of their selection was not revealed in the broadcast). Luntz is someone who is not exactly an impartial fellow; according to cited references in his Wikipedia article, he has been "accused of skewing research results to reflect more favorably on specific clients. In 1997, he was reprimanded by the American Association for Public Opinion Research and in 2000 he was censured by the National Council on Public Polls." Therefore, it without great surprise but with disappointment that I watched him guide the group through a textbook example of groupthink. One member even went so far as to refer to plant the seed, before the debate was even begun, that Ron Paul was crazy.
Finally, the debate started, and immediately it became apparent that the structure of the questioning functioned to create an in-group, out-group dynamic. The first questions centered on things that Fred Thomson had said about other "first-tier" candidates. This drew the rest of the pre-selected "first-tier" into a network of responses and counter-responses that created a sense of dialog. This lasted at least ten minutes before the "bottom-tier" got to speak. At this point, the effects of this first ten minutes of top tier dialog became apparent. Whereas the top tier seemed to be part of a community of competitors, Paul, Hunter, and Tancredo seemed more to respond to isolated questions. This created an entirely different atmosphere when they responded; almost as if we were watching a separate amusing, but irrelevant, debate. I believe the top tier, and the media groups that support them, have recognized that allowing Paul to engage in dialog with the "contenders" gives him credibility and was the driving force behind the materialization of the Ron Paul RevolUTION. Therefore they, by the structuring of the questions and dialog, were able to subtly split the candidates into two groups. By treating the group that Ron Paul was consigned to as less important, they were able to avoid any messy confrontations and minimize the effects of his far too occasional responses.
Paul was further hindered and marginalized by the makeup of the crowd in the auditorium. It actively booed him on many issues, which had not happened in earlier debates, and he implied in the Post-debate interview that the organizers purposely limited the number of Paul supporters in the hall by issuing each candidate the same number of tickets. With pro-war supporters outnumbering anti-war supporters 7:1, the crowd was guaranteed to be hostile to Ron. Ron is smart enough that he called Hannity on this when Hannity tried to imply that the crowd was more representative than the phone poll. Fox, realizing what a liability that the text-in poll has become with Ron Paul's consistent domination, again called upon Frank Luntz to utilize the deceptive manufactured consent of his focus group. He asked for a show of hands of who thought Ron Paul had won the debate. No hands were raised. Luntz peered into the camera meaningfully, as if a hand selected sample of 25 pre-screened individuals was a better indication of electoral strength than thousands of dedicated activists voting.
Fundamentally, this debate taught us a few things. We've learned that Ron Paul supporters MUST NOT become complacent, thinking that the momentum from the jump-start that the campaign has experienced will carry Ron to the White House without massive further effort. Ron Paul in power would be incredibly detrimental to the ruling elite of our country, of which the media elite are but one segment. He would cut off the free flow of grants and Federal largess to their pet projects, would favor labor over speculation as a way of making profits by shoring up the dollar and eliminating the income tax, and would end the enormous profiteering opportunities of continuous warfare. Now that they see Paul as a potential threat rather than as an eccentric oddity, they will fight his candidacy with every tool at their disposal. Experts like Luntz are only the visible tip of the iceberg of the massive social scientific apparatus that can be arrayed against the Paul campaign. We'll have to continue to participate in the main stream media games, but they'll no longer bring the massive jumps of support that the first few debates brought us due to the new tactics of the "first-tier". Rather, we need to continue exploiting those media that WE dominate in order to level the playing field and we must continue enthusiastically spreading the revolution virally. Keep those shoes pounding the pavement and those blog posts rolling in. We're in a battle over who defines public discourse, and victory is by no means guaranteed. However, for the first time in my life, I feel like we have a chance for real, constructive, radical change, and I'm going to do everything in my power to ensure that that chance doesn't slip away.