Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pelosi's Sag

"Tuesday, October 30, 2007 Voters Turn on Pelosi"

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's own party is turning on her, apparently because of a perception among California Democrats that she has not done enough to shake up the status quo in Washington, D.C., according to a Field Poll released Friday.

As recently as March, California Democrats approved of Pelosi by a 5-to-1 ratio, DiCamillo said. Now it's less than 2-to-1. Nonpartisan voters also have soured on her.

Because she gave us the high, hard one!

Only 22 percent of voters approve of the job Congress is doing, the poll found, while 64 percent disapprove.

Sen. Barbara Boxer's rating also has slumped, from 54 percent in March to 44 percent."

That's because Boxer is an AIPAC whore!

BOXER: Let me just say, I have not been briefed on [the Israeli air raid on Syria], so it's really uncomfortable to talk about something I don't know about. But I will cite international law. International law says that every country has the right to defend itself. So I don't know what Israel knew. I really don't so I really can't comment.

BLITZER: Are you willing to give them the benefit of the doubt?

BOXER: I said every nation has the right to defend itself. I'm assuming that Israel acted within that boundary. "

Boxer looked annoyed, too, when Wolf was asking about this.

Was Israel defending itself when it attacked the
USS Liberty?"