Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ron Paul and Campaign Spending

Check out this chart, and see if you notice what I did:

Do you see what I see?

Ron Paul is the only candidate who saw his 3Q money-raising total RISE!

All the other candidates funds raised DROPPED!!

The other thing I noticed is that Ron Paul is the only candidate (other than Hillary Clinton and new arrival Fred Thompson) that had a surplus of funds after the 3Q.

In other words, all the other candidates spent more than they brought in in Q3.

This means that Ron Paul is WELL-POSITIONED to WIN the EARLY PRIMARIES!

He has not blown his money in a too-early campaign, and is thus positioned himself well for a "surge," if you will, of campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire.

So we shall see if the AmeriKan MSM will live up to America's promise by letting WE the PEOPLE ELECT the next president, or whether America will have Hillary Clinton SELECTED for us.

Game on!!!