Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Memory Hole: Iraq: The Lie Beyond Belief

(Updated: Originally published October 17, 2006)

Wonder how all the Bible-thumping Bush supporters feel about their religion's prospects in Iraq now, seeing as...

"Under Saddam Hussein, Iraq's million or so Christians for the most part coexisted peacefully with Muslims, both the dominant Sunnis and majority Shiites (New York Times October 17, 2007)."

Take THAT from your FALSE PROPHET, you faith-blinded fools!

First of all, Saddam protected the Christian minority.

Strike one, George!

Secondly, the Muslims respect religions of all kinds, Christians and Jews have been living there for centuries, no problems.


I'm smelling some
FRU, folks!

Two, Georgie!

And lastly, with all the dirty shit black-ops, et al, it ISN'T EVEN Muslims or Al-CIA-Duh "terrorists" doing it!

It's US!!!!!!!!!!

Strike three, George!

You'rrre OUTTA THERE, failure!